Invisible Placeables Available for Players

Started by granny, January 12, 2015, 01:28:37 AM

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In another server, apped monsters got some special powers that would otherwise be available only to DMs. This helped them to keep the server interesting, increasing the atmosphere of fear and giving other players some neat interactions without burdening DMs that much.

One of these special "powers" was the possibility of leaving invisible placeables with the description of something that happened in the location. It is useful if you want other players to know of some murder, ritual or other important event. It is also good if you want to leave a mark even when you are not in the area, as once you drop an object and leave, it usually disappears. I remember of this ghoul that oozed some black substance and that left tracks on the places where he had gone, allowing us to hunt him through the server.

I guess it would be awesome if we had this same possibility here. This ability might be interesting not to be universally available, although. It probably would work better as a perk for some PrCs, subraces or specific applications to avoid spam or misuse.


I remember that Capricious played a PC that just did the same thing by leaving behind scribed scrolls with the description instead of a fancy invisible placeable. Equally feasible and no need for fancy scripts.


I really like this suggestion, yes they could do that, and they could even do cool scenery messages that appeared as area messages so they could emote cool effects without directly going "hey im right here, come gank me" instead they could let out a message that was like *You suddenly feel cold as.... something enters the area..* or *you hear a distant echoing howl that sets your nerves on edge* im not talking a pm or dm message but a message that appears in the same way a reset message does, appearing in the textbox for you to see so you know somethings near, but not what exactly, nor where. It added heavily to atmosphere, and rp effects. The only downside i could see from this and granny's suggestion is possible godmoding, but that hasnt been too much an issue here as far as ive seen, and is easily handled via proper punishment, stick to what you know your char could do.

Granny lol I remember that ghoul, didnt know you had played on that server.


Oooo this suggestion makes my bones shiver in joy. As a monster lover I say yay because this would alleviate a whole lot of OOC annoyances.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


If this was a tool accessible to all players, I'm fairly certain silliness would ensue. It's not a hard thing to script, so you could just make an application for it.


I was told by Talir that it was in the server once and that if it suits a character, you could app for it.