Red Dust Drug

Started by Tala, January 14, 2015, 05:12:07 AM

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I thought it could be neat to add a Red Dust Drug / Red Dust Powder that people can take as drugs. Maybe enhancing one's magic in exchange for his sanity? Or will result in having the Wild Magic effect on yourself? Or even the ability to avoid the Wild Magic effect during the storms, in exchange of course to the addiction process and the penalties during it (I'm sure there are better ideas).

If that sort of thing already exists then nevermind of course, I just like the idea of Mystryl's followers and wizards taking that sort of drug.


Negates wild magic in wild magic zones but withdrawals cause you to exhibit the effects of wild magic even outside them.  Could be cool.  Just don't know how difficult it'd be for DMs to script.

The Holy Goat

Doesn't this already exist as Mystryl Juice?


Contact me IG if you want to do this with supervision.