Can't take random explorable quest

Started by Reylathi, October 27, 2014, 11:15:32 PM

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Quest is Explore the Goblin Encampment, lvl 8-12, 1 player only. When i try to take it, it says I'm Lacking specific class levels. I'm Mereppi Evinether, lvl 9 ng cleric of Baervan Wildwanderer. Nowhere in the descrip does it allude to needing a specific skill set. Thx. ;)


Could you be more specific about what quest this is? What was the area name where you had the option to take the quest?


It was found in an explorable in the first Sewers area (accessable via lift from Lower)
I think the area name of the exploreable area was "Dunwarren - Deeper Sewers" or somesuch. It was a tiny one-room area with the questgiver placeable and a few stairs leading down into a door presumably into the actual quest.


It was Dunwarren - Deeper Sewers I believe.


Yup. Stumbled across this one as well. I'm guessing it is some sort of rogue scouting quest.


It was a typo, fixed now. Intended to be party quest, 4-8.