Prisca Shortwick, Hard Boiled Halfling (Retired)

Started by Moonlighter, July 21, 2014, 07:57:53 AM

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Prisca was a fun little experiment for me to see if I could enjoy the Watcher faction and play a more high wisdom Rogue with a focus on investigation. While the Watcher faction was cool, and my first earnest DM faction, I really grew tired of playing a Rogue again and none of my ideas with her (such as her spy network) really picked up and took off like I would like. I got stuck in a rut with her and in general just made the decision that it's time to back off and try my hand at something a little less constrained and a little more 'out of the mold.'

I have a new concept in the works and I'll be back around soon.

As for Prisca's backstory...

QuotePrisca Shortwick is a TN halfling detective from Waterdeep, where she served as as a member of the City Watch for quite a while. Unfortunately, due to corruption in the upper brass, she grew disillusioned with her future with them and resigned. She began to work as a private investigator, working freelance to help fight those who would smuggle slaves and other goods from Skullport.

She's hardly pious, but she's firmly rooted in the faith of Savras, finding the god's cynical attitude and desire for the truth similar to her own and finding his blessings quite useful in solving her cases.

Until next time!


I never got to interact much with Prisca short of putting a huge bounty on her head and deciding whether or not I wanted to collect on it myself.

She caught attention and pissed off the wrong people at times and that means you did something right.

Good luck on your next concept.


The Old Hack

I liked Prisca. I thought she was great, but ultimately it is the player's own judgment whether to continue a character or not. And it all comes down to whether you enjoy playing the character.

I wish you luck and hope you'll find a new concept you enjoy soon!


I'm very impressed by the sheer level of dynamism you can instill in a fresh new PC. Barely a day IG and you're brewing shenanigans!



If you weren't liking rogue you could have decided to multiclass it! She seemed great though. Absolutely one of the best Watchers we've had.
