Set Items

Started by TheUnknownEnderman, July 19, 2014, 11:18:12 AM

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I have a set of Doughty Underwarrior's armour- when I take the helmet off, the armour comes off too, as expected. But if I put the armour on, the helmet won't come with it- it has to be put on seperately. And vice versa for all this- they are separate in addition, but a pair in removal.

EDIT: This has only started today- there wasn't even a reset between now and the last time I was on and that it worked properly.


It is quirky system. There can be unexpected events at times, and I'll look into it.

If such does happen, I would expect people to have discipline and be able to follow the logic of such items. They are bound by, be it magic or what ever other means, and meant to be used together. Or as any relics might be, depending of their individual cases.

Just use them as they are meant to even if mechanic would for some reason fail. When I have a chance I'll look over it.