New Arrival's Chest in Crone

Started by Knight Of Pentacles, July 12, 2014, 05:43:23 PM

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Knight Of Pentacles

Something like the new arrival's chest but for Lower pcs.  Maybe a heap of trash in the crone or something?


There is one outside next the crone.

Knight Of Pentacles

It's inconveniently placed.

The Holy Goat

If you want convenience, Upper. Who wants to keep a pile of other peoples trash in the corner of their bar?

The Crimson Magician

some poster or something right above the placeable in Lower might be best so it's not just some unexplained and unintuitive heap

Knight Of Pentacles

Quote from: The Holy Goat;397666If you want convenience, Upper. Who wants to keep a pile of other peoples trash in the corner of their bar?

It's inconvenient because new players wouldn't have any idea what it is.  It's just a trash pile placeable in a dark musty corner indistinguishable from the dozen other similar piles about Lower.  I also don't think Gran cares much about how the Crone looks considering there's broken furniture about and a halfling that smells like dogshit.


If you think a new player wouldn't make a bee-line for the trash placeable just to see what's in it (and take whatever they can use) you don't really remember what it was like to be new to NWN.

That said, I can't conceive of any good reason not to move it inside the Crone.

It would literally take 30 seconds of toolsetting time.


Centralization is upper thing, chaos and reckless abandon is lowers thing.

If you live in lowers and want new pcs to get stuff, give it to them yourself and get the street cred bro's.

Otherwise, I like the trash pile where it is.


So thats where it is, and why prople went there ._. The thingsyou learn. Anyway, maybe a barrel named "junk" instead of a pile of trashthat looks like allthe others around lower?


I think I have a more interesting and funny suggestion: make it so that every time someone "opens" the pile of trash that a emote pops out, telling everyone that this guy is sniffing into trash.