Weapon Based Buffs

Started by Vlaid, July 11, 2014, 03:04:14 AM

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I'm not sure how difficult this would be to implement but-

I've always been kind of sad that any weapon based buff is only applied to the main-hand, it tends to overly encourage any dual wielding concept to use a double weapon. It would be nice if all spells such as magic weapon, flame weapon, greater magic weapon and so forth would simply apply to both equipped weapons if it is at all possible.

I understand there is some risk of abuse here with people buffing two weapons at once by asking someone to hold them. I'd like to think we could trust ourselves a bit here, or perhaps come up with some elegant solution (such as the primary weapon just copying it's buffs to the secondary weapon only as long as they are both equipped).
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


I actually don't see why you couldn't buff two weapons at once considering that you buff both sides of a quarterstaff or double sword.