+1 Ammunition Purchasable at Vendors.

Started by Pool, July 10, 2014, 08:05:02 AM

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In a what, why and how fashion.

What: Weapon vendors to sell +1 ammunition (bolts, arrows, throwing axes, throwing knives and bullets).

Why: Magic weapon cannot be applied to bows, crossbows, slings or throwing weapons. With ranged weapons being as weak as they are without rare special ammunition or mighty bonuses to their weapons (which are equally rare), Rogues and Rangers might as well just sit outside twiddling their thumbs because they can't hurt their target.

How: Vendors would sell 99 +1 of [ammunition] for 200GP per bundle. I suggest this price, because ranged characters go through a /lot/ of ammo during combat and the cost will add up accordingly.


I like this suggestion. It sounds like it'd make ranged characters more fun to play without being overpowered. For a reasonable cost.


I may be wrong but I believe you need +1 ab on a bow to overcome damage reduction, arrows dont do it.


+1 ammunition is just an extra point of damage.

Although generally speaking I don't think NWN handles ranged combat well and am in no rush for lots of PCs to be around that specialize in it, I don't mind adding some better ammunition for those PCs who insist on it. Bear in mind that NWN handles pricing of magical ammunition rather poorly, and I won't be surprised if the ammunition is overpriced.


it does yes. a +1 stack is about 3k.

Perhaps mildly increase their drop rates but yeah, unless your a rogue or have a good bow, then good luck getting past DR like Chosen's


+1 ammunition doesn't bypass DR anyway (Howland alluded to this when he mentioned the +1 is only an extra point of damage).

Enhancement bonus on the launching weapon is what's required to bypass DR.


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