Making the Missing Watchers quest soloable.

Started by Pool, July 06, 2014, 04:41:32 AM

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In a what, why and how fashion.

What: Make the Missing Watchers quest (2-6 level range) soloable.

Why: The quest itself gives next to zero payout in both XP (I've received only 86 XP for completing it just the other day, I think that's a good range as to how low it is) and GP, with a really easy difficulty. All the other solo quests are capped, and cannot be done repeatedly. Playing an antisocial character with low charisma sort've hits its' dead end because of this.

How: The amount of characters required to access it is lowered. If it is feared that the quest'll be farmed for GP and loot (which it comes with very rarely), have the GP payout upon completion reduced to 0, so that there is reason to explore other profitable avenues as an Adventurer.


I can agree, it's a very easy quest that really has become an "introduction" quest to the dangers of the Underdark at this point.

It should be soloable, the rewards are not high enough to really bother with grinding.


I think we should have even more low-level group quests, not less. I've enjoyed the many different tones of interaction I've had cutting through that instance and how parties respond to Balkwin's perspiring characterization.

Also, allowing single players to take that quests probably sends the wrong message to unprepared, unseasoned newbies that they can do it by themselves.


I think we should have even more low-level group quests, not less. I've enjoyed the many different tones of interaction I've had cutting through that instance and how parties respond to Balkwin's perspiring characterization.

Also, allowing single players to take that quests probably sends the wrong message to unprepared, unseasoned newbies that they can do it by themselves. Almost certainly, they'll not go in having stocked spoilers, cast spoilers, and made xyz feat choices.


Having an abundance of solo'able low level quests available to PCs who choose to live in Sanctuary tends to result in veteran players just rushing through the solo quests and foregoing any interaction at all in the early levels (and most players do not really RP on a quest when they are solo'ing, also). New players who make new PCs then find it difficult to get involved in a quest-group and be shown the ropes.

We obviously have some solo content out there and I don't mind having things to do for PCs who legitimately wouldn't be around in our main settlement, but I don't think that having this quest be solo'able would be appropriate.


Hook horrors are aberrations and hardly the type of mob you would solo if not for the sole nature of monsters inside the quest area. Mushrooms and worms are not so threatening or fear-inspiring though a hook-horror to a new arrival can be quite frightening to the unprepared or knowledgeable.

For the sake of immersion I simply disagree with this quest being made soloable by newer players. I do however want to counter that perhaps the difficulty can be raised or the reward improved.