Xulracht, Ogre of Malar

Started by The Samophlange, July 07, 2014, 06:11:19 PM

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The Samophlange

[SIZE="5"]Druid of Malar[/SIZE][/FONT]

QuoteBefore the Darkening, Xulracht was like most of his kind. A simple creature, enamored with things like feasting, collecting treasures, and grabbing kobolds by the tail to see how far he could throw them. But with the arrival of the Darkening a change awakened within him, as well. His old life was gone. Now, a new world was to be made. The Lord of Beasts gave him a vision of a world where the strong ruled and the weak were rightfully forced to appeal to their sense of mercy, providing tribute in hopes of scraping out survival.

Xulracht became determined to make it so. He sought to heal the wounds of the land by nursing it with the blood of mighty creatures, starting a ceaseless hunt to find the mighty left in the broken world and usher them into an era of battle, feasting, and glory.

I haven't played many monster characters, and those that I have are normally more 'civilized'. I also do not play many outright evil characters. Selfish, and sometimes heartless, but usually they are 'greater good' types. Xulracht was an attempt to make a truly savage character, one who was wild and monstrous at his very core.

It was an interesting challenge attempting to play such a beast while still representing a high wisdom score. The result was a creature he believed very strongly in his own philosophy, and had very little tolerance for those that would change it. Most importantly he genuinely thought that might made right... those that bested him deserved respect, even the one that ended his life.

Xulracht, mid-hunt.
I was a little surprised how many people took to his message! Not only fellow druids and wildlings, but even a few Lowersmen seemed to respect him for his strength, if not his beliefs.

Stalking the caves.
Playing a druid gave me a lot of chances to appreciate the module and its areas. I spent a lot of my time stalking around in the depths, alone or with others, and it gave me a new appreciation for the complex ways it is all interlinked.

The ogre himself.
I knew it would be a short character when I made him. Monsters never last very long! But, it was a fun experiment with trying a new concept and roleplaying outside of my comfort zone. I really enjoyed seeing another side of EFU and I will definitely make another wildling sometime in the future.

Much thanks to everyone who interacted with Xulracht, even if it was only very briefly! You made it a blast to play him. I only hope that everyone enjoyed what they did get to see of him.

el groso

Simply amazing! Wish more wildlings were like that. Inspiring.



oh... well...

I'll need new plans.

Big Boy was a blast, by the way. I had such a great time with him.


He was a fellow hunter of Malar, but eventually every hunter becomes another's prey. RIP!


His time here is ogre...



Shhhh. No more tears, it's all ogre now.


Darn, well... he was a fun character to interact with - great RP of the philosophy and we had some good chats. Sad we won't see more but c'est la vie!


I really love intelligent monsters. He was fun to have around while he lasted, brief as it was.


NOOOOOOOO WHY YOU DIE SO FAAAAST! D: You were gonna be the next Calleach!


Damn, sorry to see you go. R.I.P


Sad to see you go. Was fun while it lasted.