Sanity system

Started by Damien, June 18, 2014, 10:59:06 PM

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I  had a very different idea for a sanity system.  Dendar, the Elder Evil, the cause of bad nightmares is running lose, which is probably the cause of all of the terrible nightmares PCs have every time they sleep, right?  If every time you sleep you have a horrible nightmare... that wears down on people.  Screw the horrors of the lowerdark, what of the horrors inside of a mans own head?  Has anyone had a regular good nights sleep for a whole week since the Darkening?  I think a persistent sanity drain, representative of nightmares would be neat, not at all unlike the Withering, except instead of slowly becoming undead, we slowly become abberant horrors.  Like the Withering, remove curse could help lessen the effects and some resting places might also help, say, sacred ground?