FE: Shapechanger. Silver Weapon

Started by Random_White_Guy, June 22, 2014, 01:19:32 AM

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Rangers with FE Dragon and stuff get immunity to fear which is a sizable part of fighting a dragon and like a huge AC boost to fighting a dragon.

In the setting of EFU with chosen so rampant and the fact that their DR is less than PC lycanthrope DR I believe that more oomf should be given for the selection of this favored enemy.

+1 cold damage is nothing when a Wizard can just cast magic weapon on themselves and decimate. When a Cleric can give themselves flame weapon and magic weapon and slaughter. They're supposed to be the dedicated hunters and feared hunters and they get like 1/15th of the tools they need to actually be shapeshifter hunters.  NPC chosen can barely be scrapped with the perks they get, let alone the rash of PC infected flooding the server at odd times.

I'd reccomend a silver weapon be obtained at like level 6 or 7 of Pure ranger like how Unstable Sorcerors can do their DM ritual or otherwise.

Rangers who hunt shapeshifters should be something that people fear, not laugh at when fighting Chosen and hardly hurting them.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


This isn't exactly true. +1 cold damage is immediate identification no matter the form. That's huge.

Knight Of Pentacles

Silver edged weapons need to be a bit more common.  They're fairly mundane compared to some of the crazy magical things found already.


FE:Shapeshifter seems to be the only monstrous enemy that's balanced around the expectation that the ranger is dealing specifically with PC's. The cold damage auto-checks for lycanthropy and while disease immunity can apply to a few things, it's not really a prevalent or dangerous mechanic outside of those pesky wererat bites. Which is kind of understandable, because you don't want someone rolling up FE:Shapeshifters whenever there's a PC lycanthrope running around.

On the other hand, it's a bit unfortunate that the ranger doesn't really have any advantage over NPC lycanthropes, like Chosen, outside of that measly bit of cold damage. It's self serving to ask for a buff, sure, but it's also incredibly embarrassing when a character with a history with lycanthropes has to beg mages, clerics, and paladins to share their magic weapon enchantments so that she can do something to the Chosen, too. Food for thought, I guess, but I imagine the ramifications of a buff to player shapeshifters is going to keep this as a "earn more benefits IG" sort of thing, which is logical considering how hard that app is to pass.


Rangers can use divinely-crafted Magic Weapon wands. Always having the tool for the job is sort of the shtick of the prepared Hunter of [insert critter here].


Having played a ranger with FE Shapechanger when PC/NPC werewolves were common, it was extremely tough starting out. Silver weapons was and still is hard to find, but I've seen a few lycan hunters who rocked out get an appropriately awesome weapon to hunt their beast of choice. At the same time, though, a concept shouldn't have to rely on DM loot to function and lycanthropes are one of those enemies that it would make sense for a ranger to have some sort of defense against them- moreso than giving your animal companion Magic Fang and hoping for the best, which is what I had to do while searching for a silver dagger.


If people are using the +1 cold damage as identification and not the much cooler blood vial feature, this will indeed be changed.


I think the suggestion is to make them more viable against shapechangers in some more, which seems like a good idea since they currently have about nothing to help them with that aspect of it.


While slightly unrelated, my major issue was DR vs BOWS

You cant cast magic weapons on bows and finding one with +1 AB is pretty much impossible which means unless you have levels in rogue anything with even the smallest amount of DR (Chosen, Blur being two natural examples) its much much more difficult for them to have an impact. Would it perhaps be possible that these spells can be allowed on bows? Even if the additional damage isn't added (it could be added to the stack of arrows active at the time) the +ab to the bow itself would make life infinately easier for Bow users in overcoming DR


The bow discussion is dead horse beaten to a pulp. It won't change. Range and melee are intentionally what they are and they have advantages and disadvantages.


Perk has been changed. Instead of +1 cold damage, you now have +2(4) spot and listen against all (shapechangers).

A straight up buff to the weapon to pierce shapeshifter damage reduction or giving you a weapon for merely having enough levels would be too much to give any Joe who decided to pick up the very feasible FE: Shapechanger.

Being a hunter of any beast requires you to have the necessary tools in hand and knowledge of what monster you are searching for. As such it is up to your character to prepare. When you play a lycanthrope hunter that goes beyond mere mechanics and contribute well to the setting, you are already a good way on the path towards earning yourself a good weapon. It is not simply a matter of having killed X NPCs or PCs.

At your disposal is the bane of any PCs infected with or having a lycanthropic subrace, seeing most rely on subterfuge to survive. Use that. For NPCs you'll have to get yourself properly equipped.

Go above and beyond what most do with their favored enemy feat and you will get a weapon.


It might be a good idea to make magic weapon a FE: shapeshifter perk spell, sort of like how clerics can get certain spells based on their domains.
This way, a hunter could have 1 magic weapon spell a day, or allot a spell slot for it based on their deities' blessing of their hunt, or other such circumstances.


Rangers can use divinely-crafted Magic Weapon wands. Always having the  tool for the job is sort of the shtick of the prepared Hunter of [insert  critter here].

THIS.. see above..if your a designated hunter of X..and can use wands, this should be always on your person.