Rapid Shift Lycantrophy

Started by Knight Of Pentacles, June 21, 2014, 09:42:31 PM

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Knight Of Pentacles

I feel that the shifts between an afflicted lycantroph are far too short.  I've often changed rapidly infront of people while having a conversation only to change back a minute or so later.  While this can be interesting, it's also kind of immersion breaking.  I suggest that times between shifts be more distant so as to keep people from rapidly shifting back and forth which isn't very characteristic with actual afflicted lycantrophs in DnD who at most shift at night once a month.

Also perhaps make it to where the check can't be made in Fugue.  That way you're not in human form when you "die" and you respawn a werebeast.  That's really hard to explain. . .


I think it would be neat, if there is a check involved to make the timer around the time the wage/exp tick works and then roll the check and instead of forcefully changing them back... allowing them to shift back on their own if they make the check at the next wage tick thing or whenever after that they make one of the checks.

Just blueskying, I have no idea how Lycanthropy works.