Snared resets

Started by SwiftyWillownall, June 23, 2014, 02:19:41 AM

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If at all possible, make it so becoming snared (Through tanglefoot bags or webs) do not interrupt your current command que. It's very annoying when you do get hit by one of these things making your character stand still and out of combat, and then being quickly sent to the fugue because of it. I know this happens to everyone.

Knight Of Pentacles

That's the whole point.  This is a mechanic that's likely hardwired not to mention part of the reason people use tangle bags.  (To break stances and invoke AOO and Sneak attacks)


I can understand that, but that's what the negative to movement speed, spell failure chance, lowered dex, and becoming flat-footed are all suppose to represent. Just because I get my feet tangled up in spider webs doesn't mean I'm going to drop my shield or stop swinging my sword at the spider who's right in front of me trying to kill me. If this was the case LOTR would have had a sad ending. :c


If you stop and think about it for a moment, it makes perfect sense and really - either way, is not a big deal.

Imagine you are swinging your sword, raising your shield against thrusts, stabs and biting fangs of a spider. Now suddenly your feet get stuck, your balance is wobbling, you wave your arms to keep your balance to prevent yourself from falling to the ground and becoming spider food. Suddenly your focus is on keeping your balance and not falling over due to your feet being glued together, wrapped in vines, or stuck to the ground.

It's been this way since the dawn of NWN1 and I don't think it's likely to change anytime soon.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


well... since SOU anyway.

Tanglefoot bags werent in nwn1 originally!


Entanglement as an effect was. The resetting of your combat queue is not restricted to only tanglebags.

Unless you think web, entangling roots and similar effects were only added in SoU :)
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]