Tribal Shaman Perk

Started by granny, April 21, 2014, 10:33:06 PM

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Currently, you only get "Animals don't Attack You" at lvl8. Playing a druid while having most beasts treating you with kindness has been hard. It's double hard for a PC without it and that chooses the wilderness as home. For a sorc it's triple hard if they still need to handle the beasts.

Therefore, I suggest that "Animals don't Attack You" to be handled at lvl1 for this Perk.


Agreed. In efu:M the perk was perfect, but here with most of the wild and animals being able to kill you a lot faster, being a sorcerer it makes getting to that point very hard for a wild pc. This suggestion sounds reasonable imo




OH... I forgot to mention that the new Bard perks addition allow a Bard to start from day one with such ability of not being disturbed by animals. That's from where I got my inspiration for this suggestion.

Knight Of Pentacles

Not to mention there are a lot less animals.