A compliation of stories, songs, riddles and the odd poem.

Started by eliff, March 02, 2009, 05:21:57 PM

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I write this book in the hope that many will bring their tales to add to it.  If you have a story, song, riddle or poem then feel free to write a letter and I will try my level best to include it.  Mr.Johnson, Wizard.

                    ---The Tale of Gnarlstump the greedy---

Long ago there lived a terrible greedy goblin.  He never washed and smelled awful and the only others who lived with him were a horde of murderous goblins and ogres.  His horde would scour the country in search of plunder and kill any in their way.  It was Gnarlstump's theory that the more beuaty he surrounded himslef with the more beautiful he would be. But one sunny day an old woman arrived at his lair in the mountains,  Gnarlstump saw him coming from a way off and ordered his soldiers to capture the woman.  The old woman was brought before Gnarlstump and upon seeing him the woman fell to her knees.
"Oh great goblin lord, I see so much beauty in your home,  but it is all hidden away, why do you not show it to reveal your power to the people of the towns?" She said
Puzzled at the old woman's attitude the goblin replied "Well... I don't know..."
"Then Great Gnarlstump you should go to the nearest town of Cloverhoove and display your treasure." The old woman exclaimed
Being so arrogant and foolhardy he thought this to be a good idea and he ordered his horde to move his treasure to the town.

Riding into town atop his Boarmount he flaunted his treasure.  Suddenly he noticed the town was empty.  He called to his captain Frognose and asked if there was anyone around.  However the town was actually packed and as he turned away Frognose dropped dead.  And on that signal townsfolk and guards swept into the horde slaying them and their leader, Gnarlstump.

And so the goblins arrogance and greed eventually made him lose not only his treasure but his life.


                                   ---Word riddle---

My first is in harp but not in carp.
My second in sea but not see.
My third and fourth are a pair found in pear.
For the fifth part of my word an eye is an eye until it is heard.
Sixth is the first of niether east, south or west.
My seventh is the second best.
My eigth and ninth are another double found in tassel not in trouble...
Write to me if you have an answer.