Ahoy, buried treasures of yore!

Started by Garem, September 10, 2008, 03:53:42 PM

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With all the new beachy and pirate themes in the setting, I think it is wildly appropriate to look into some way to bury treasure, or hunt for the treasures of others! We already have a sweet mapping tool, and a neat script for writing papers (or directions to sweet, juicy, delectable TREASURE!) so the only thing left is a method to bury treasure and subsequently dig it back up!

Of course, in order to minimize the information being kept by the server and so it's not just used as persistant storage, I think it's only fair to allow gold to be stored, NOT items.


This is a great idea on the face, but when I look at it, all I can think is Between account transfer and other exploits.

Maybe with a lock system and a lot of monitoring, though.


I would love to see this come into play, but I've no idea how it'd be done without exploitation.


I think we're going to shut the server down for Talk Like A Pirate day... that's what I think.


It is completely possible, but the only issue being one that has come up in the past with a resounding 'No'.

This would give nearly any player their own (perisistant if you were suggesting that?) Storage, which has been something I have noticed the DMs say would never be readily be available to the public.
From a design perspective, saving the locations of the treasure, and then all the stuff inside it, (some people go very crazy with storage), the database can become bloated.

Perhaps DM placed 'Buried chests', that one can dig to find and maybe get some loot, sort of like the unsupervised DM quests.  But as an option to players It is not really feasable from a dev perspective to just throw around storage like that IMO.

Edit; Lol I didn't even really read the OP thouroughly. Doh.  As for only holding gold, it's somewhat more balanced, But I still don't think it's feasable.


I dislike the word "Pirate" because of all its comical association. Accent included. I'd prefer the setting to refer to them as Raiders, smugglers, corsairs, privateers, etc. -anything- but pirates, please <_<

 Thank you.

Dr Dragon

Quote from: Mort;86150I dislike the word "Pirate" because of all its comical association. Accent included. I'd prefer the setting to refer to them as Raiders, smugglers, corsairs, privateers, etc. -anything- but pirates, please <_<

 Thank you.

It be pirates Matey! When yar blighters have criminals with boats day be bein Pirates! Criminals stoopid who don ave dar bloody boats aint Pirates at all! Pirates bein criminals on the sea. in udur words they bein Pirates!

Pirates=booty n burried treasure if yeh tell a pirate dat hes not a pirate yeh gunna be thrown over board teh tell the sharks they isnt Sharks Savvy?


While I am loathe to respond to this with any air of seriousness, Pirates did not all suffer under the blanket label of "Criminals". Many of them were well-regarded, and had legitimate backing. Corsairs and Privateers, for instance. And the terms "Raiders" and "Smugglers" certainly apply.


Any word from the DMs about the OP? I'm a big fan of this suggestion, and whoever made it must be one ballsy SOB with an IQ of 150 and every masculine quality ever known to man.


Mort, "pirate" is a general term. Pirates never call itself "pirates", but "brothers", "coastal brothers", "black brothers" atc.

Buccaneers, flibustiers - it was a pirate of any nations (french, dutch etc.), corsairs was a legal pirates with deed licence from rulers or cabinets his countries.

word "pirate" cannot be substitued with other, in his signification. but if shall be established any "pirate" company, needn´t "pirate" in name. (but "pirates" are associated with seas, not landed brigands or bandits).