Druid Ritual Interrupting

Started by xXCrystal_Rose, April 07, 2014, 02:56:24 PM

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It would probably be a good idea to slightly tweak how these are interrupted. It is a great concept but it doesn't promote much conflict or rivalry if a person runs up invisibly, tags the conversation, and instantly runs away. The whole thing comes by in a flash of two seconds in and out.

My suggestion on this topic is when somebody is attempting to interrupt the ritual make it purge them of their invisibility as they have to reveal themselves to manipulate and focus on the energy they are tapping into. That much at the very least. It would also be great if it took like 5 rounds where the interrupter is held focused in concentration and it did an emote over their head, like when a person uses certain contraband items. Even having some magic visual effects around the interrupter, or have them draw out a magic circle around the ritual site to cut off and contain the power.

This would help negate the possibility of people using invisibility and gaming the system a bit with just two second snatch and grab and make it more roleplayed, magical, and obvious.


I guess it could also give a temporary damage to stats and HP, like the old wildling sending used to be, as it would consume a bit of the caster's strength.

Giving it some flashy effect, like the curse song one, would be neat as well.


Five rounds is actually a bit long in hindsight, but two or three is enough to show something super magical is taking place.


5 rounds is arguably too short, not too long. I doubt these Rituals were put in with the intention that you could or should swoop in invisibly and run off with the items after a short convo whilst the druid is stood a few feet away.

Purging invis (or making it impossible to interact while invisible, like certain Merchant conversation scripts) plus taking a minute or two of concentration seems reasonable.


A longer span of time would encourage the druid to bring allies with them, as well as the one trying to interrupt doing the same, thus making it more of a group event than a 1 v 1. Right now most of these rituals are being done solo (not all, but most), and I don't know that this is preferable. It should be an event that creates roleplay for several players.


It is absolutely not desirable for PCs to swoop in invisible to interrupt them.