Bring back Imps 1 & 2

Started by Zango_Unchained, March 29, 2014, 09:14:40 PM

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It was a low level 2-6 quest that was simple to handle and highly entertaining. It was a go-to for paladins and other goodly characters to go vanquish some evil and also was for infernalists who wished to acquired some evil artifacts from hellish planes.

Ways in which it could be implemented:

-Deep gnome research gone terribly wrong. A fringe lab that contacted infernal elements to discover secret gem caches instead brought up a horde of imps that killed the gnome researchers within and forever have been stuck within after gnomes closed off the area to prevent the imps from escape. So much time has passed that the barriers are fracturing and rumor has it that winged devils are once more taking flight out of its depths.
[Hide=Changes for Imps [Deep gnome conversion.]

* Make telescopes, microscopes for gem inspection. Let them use the efuss skill mining for gemology

* Change the the part two area with the candles to be representations of gems in the earth rather then stars in the sky.

* Change the boss from an astrologist into an infernal gem inspector [Part 2]

-Teleportation portal has been opened by a star gazer from the surface/Agent. This man wishes for a certain text to be recovered from the lab on the surface to recover what could be very important notes from the fall of the sun and what happened to celestial bodies when it vanished.

[Hide=Changes for Imps [Star gazer/Agent conversion.]]
*Add a text at the end that with a lore check can be recovered for a token amount of coin and exp from the quest giver. If this check is failed you can still return to the quest giver and tell him that you cleared out all the imps and its safe for him to recover the book him/herself

*Keep in the telescopes and perhaps make some of the imps have aberrant augmentations to them for starring at the stars to long. Allowing for more variations in the spawns.

*The boss of quest can be a star gazer who has fully transformed into an aberrant beast, and notes can be placed on the floor leading up to the final room which talk about his/her horrific transformation.

*The portal to part two could be opened by a spellcraft check. It was a final escape by the now aberrant star gazer who never used it as it was to late to take advantage. Or a cleric can consecrate it and open it to close it from the other side, and forever server this connection to the hells.


This was personally one of my favorite quests. From the invasion defense of part two to the chance for some fun evil smashing that is perfect for low level paladins and goodly clerics or infernalists as well.


It was indeed a fun quest that could easily find a place in the underdark.

Knight Of Pentacles

It would have to be modified to meet the new theme as it was quite explicitly EFUA thematic.