Old Libraries and Tomes Archive

Started by xXCrystal_Rose, April 16, 2014, 11:19:38 PM

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Is the old libraries section hidden away in an archive or is it trashed? I ask because I wrote a few stories and song there which I never put on a word document or paper. I would like to be able to do so and help bulk up my writing portfolio with some more stuff. One of the posts includes a songbook with many war songs. Some Targan related, some generic, which all bards were welcomed to use or add their own songs to. Here is one of them! I think I even made a Tormatar war song.

[hide= Ymphian War Song]

High above in the mountains of mist
Where the eagles and wyverns still fly
A scream of death and cheer of glory
Targus hear my cry!

Throw open the Gates of Blood and the King will be delivered!
Sound the war horn and praise our mighty lord.
God of fury and slaughter upon his throne of skulls
Deliver us from this curse and crush the foes of man!

Ages of myth and ages of dreams
Prisoners of our own fantasy.
Locked in the mist and shrouded in gloom
King come set us free.

Lord in wait, my blood for thee!
Death has not forgotten me!
Lord in wait, my blood for thee!
Death has not forgotten me!

All gods are dead
And blood rains from the sky
Fire and death
The battle horns cry

The face of the Maiden, a visage of terror
Cull the boys from the men.
Champion of blood, King of the warriors
It is for you that we fight.

Ages of myth and ages of dreams
Prisoners of our own fantasy.
Locked in the mist and shrouded in gloom
King come set us free.

Lord in wait, my blood for thee!
Death has not forgotten me!
Lord in wait, my blood for thee!
Death has not forgotten me!

Back to the mist beaten and broken
Retreat the victims of strife.
Valkyries weep on the corpse of the fallen
None worthy of the crowns might.

Continue we fight, continue we die
Blood fills the rivers and skies.
Born of our courage, born of our lives
The King of Ymph will rise!



Contact me with whatever you'd like pulled out from the archives and I'd be glad to send it your way.

The old forum still exists, it's just most of its contents are no longer IC'ly available to PCs.