Blake Kendon - A Not so Ordered Mind...

Started by Ryan, March 08, 2014, 02:18:34 AM

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Another in my streak of long-lived characters (finally) bites the dust, and all it took was me getting a little too greedy about DM loot. Had to happen sooner or later, though. I'm a little glad, to be honest - I start to get wanderlust when staying with certain PCs too long.

Blake was an odd bug. I originally intended him to be this high art PC trying to keep a lid on his mental disorder (multiple personalities) and balance his duties in a group that values mental discipline above all else.

While I kept the multiple personalities thing (his dead twin Ren sometimes took over his mind - if you ever saw Blake acting unnaturally cheerful, this is probably why) I quickly realized it was more cumbersome to manage than I'd anticipated. So I put that a bit on the back burner and instead focused on Blake's intellectual pursuits, which was always aimed at getting to the bottom of the alien invasion of Toril. In this respect, I modeled him after the classic Lovecraftian protagonist - a professorial, bookish sort of guy who gets in way over his head.

My plan for him all along was to make him go gradually more insane and accentuate his mental disorder for the whole ride, but this never really panned out for a variety of reasons - number one being that Blake's cautious personality really kept his evil twin from manifesting too much. Second reason was sheer boredom with the idea. I'm happy to report that I did find researching aberration very rewarding, though.

Anyway! The Society's a really killer faction with plenty of secrets and stuff for you to do, so I wanna give thanks to those guys. Major thanks, as well, to MaimedGod and Abala in general for being a constant companion of this character. Lira and his brilliant Ananfel, for being a defining hallmark of Blake's career as an Ordinant, and Sankis' Rallick Dess for just being the best emotionless bro around. And Blake's been around so long that I'm almost positive I'm forgetting someone else, so sorry if I have!

Anyway - find me in IRC and bounce some concepts off my head. It's been a good run.

Here's some screens...

[hide="Loot and sketches..."]


[hide="Blake fought aberrants! Shockingly."]


[hide="When he wasn't fighting aberrants, he took their brains."]


[hide="Some general stuff..."]


[hide="And finally... a cow."]


See you next time!


Very sad to see him go- an awesome character, well played to the very end.


A true bro for my first PC, and a fun rival for my second. Well done. Good night sweet Ordinant prince.

Vault Shrike

You're forgetting me! :)

Great work, he was a lot of fun to track and collaborate with.


The Old Hack

A great character! I enjoyed my interactions with him a lot. :)

Hope to see the next one soon!

Vault Shrike

I'll post a few of the less-spoiler-intensive screenshots I have with Blake. It's only fitting after all, I wish I could have been there.

First off: the horrible, horrible beginning of a horrible, horrible death-trap.

The very same deathtrap, after we realized the full scope of what we had gotten ourselves into. Blake retreats into his books, desperate for an escape. Any escape:

Ye gods, what have we wrought by our folly:

Everyone push together now:

I still don't know how we lived through that.

Another time, well before the horrors of Iron Drunt and Iron Munt. Blake and Zsigmond play Counter-Revolutionary at the briefing. Thomas Blanqui won't know what hit him:

Charging the barricades within Gould's Manor. Blake is on the line of battle, here, I'm fairly certain without the cloak. You know what they say, can't make an omelet without cutting your way through a few hard-bitten revolutionaries:

Nope, he really didn't know what hit him. We cut him off mid-rant:

Great character, but I've got even better screenshots that involve spoilers for Society stuff. PM me if you want them. :)

Mountains of Madness

Literally a scholar and a gent.

Knight Of Pentacles

i wanted him to have the eye gouger so badly


My PC's best Ordinant bro is dead :(

Blake was awesome, Ryan. Look forward to your next.

Bouquet of Roses

I loved Blake. He'll definitely be missed, but if it's time, it's time!
Best of luck on your next one.

The Samophlange

Blake was a great character, and in general a great dude. Wish I could have known him better, but even what I saw was awesome. Looking forward to your next concept!


Blake was incredible, and is very probably the reason I was able to get deeply engaged enough with EFU to stick it out. Sorry to see him go :(

Can't wait to see what you come up with next. Get back to us soon!