No more undisarmable undodgeable lightning trap on Vrazdn

Started by Egon the Monkey, February 27, 2009, 05:56:00 PM

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Egon the Monkey

Seriously, that thing is lame. The "invisibility dispel trap" that deals 20-40 odd Lightning damage, isn't disarmable and can't be avoided short of scooting very carefully around one side and hoping you don't lagbounce onto it.

Please, replace the thing with a normal Lightning trap that you CAN go around if you can see it.


I was under the impression this was a bug.

Egon the Monkey

It's been around so long I thought it wasn't. Can t be removed until it's fixed then, it is lethal.


And place a big trap at the castle's weak spot, ie, where we climb all the time... with one big ogre guard right at that spot. Please?

Egon the Monkey

Yeah, seriously, do that. A big gas trap or something dangerous but not TPK-Dangerous just before the transition.


That's obviously a bug! I fixed the ones on brood, but not this one as no one reported it.

Egon the Monkey

Groan. I think we all thought it was there as an encouragement to sent one really well insulated person to open the door XD. And the Invis Dispel Trap text I only remembered about this time round.