Automatic character deletion system

Started by Siren, March 01, 2014, 10:29:56 PM

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I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but it's a feature I think would be quite useful in the server. I'm fine with changing my Gamespy handle now and then to get a new vault of characters, but I'm afraid of ending up with too many characters all spread around multiple accounts overtime. I generally play one single character though, so it's not really the scenario that bothers me the most...

I'm a bit OCD with this kind of stuff, it literally almost makes me uncomfortable to have a "messy" vault with test characters. I've made a few just to test the hardcore prologue and would love to be able to delete them. It bugs me a little bit to see my main character amidst a cluster of failed enthralled experiments. =P

Would love it if this suggestion got some consideration. Thanks for reading!


Also if you think you might forget what login name you are using for a character then write it in their journal! If you do forget then open up your Local Vault folder and find the .txt document with your characters name. That will be the journal you wrote IG and should have the login name stored.