Letter to Argent Argyris

Started by wahoo387, March 05, 2025, 02:04:17 AM

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Esteemed Diplomat/Warmage/Superstar,

There are few as respected and moneyed as yourself. However, all this power must be getting you many more responsibilities. If it at all suits you, I can offer my help to you in whatever capacity you require (within reason) through an official contract with the Banda Rossa.

I am a go-getter and a man of many talents, and I am sure a man of your intellect and position has many tasks that need to be done and could use some free time. I can, for the right price, do many a thing for you, ranging from entertainment (gambling games & non-gambling games) to demolition work. I have experience in construction, archaeology, digging, lockpicking, and much more.

Gregory Quigsby