A Missive to Alexandria Sayburgh's Office

Started by Zambition, February 01, 2025, 06:04:38 PM

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Penned by Edmund Lothere
Iyar 1, IY 7789

For too long has this city felt the weight of a 15,000 dinar Voice. With the ascension of Alexandria Sayburgh to the seat, the People have once again been given the hope they crave, and the avenues of growth from which the olive branch of peace is extended, and the Nascent Lily given rise again.

This Reform is regarding three matters;

  • The Price of a Voice
  • The Definition of a Voice
  • The Declaration of Ephian Citizenship, abolishment of the term 'Voiceless' in law

On the first, the price of a Voice shall be lowered to 5,000 dinar from 15,000 dinar.

On the second, the definition of a Voice is more formally a Speaker in Assembly, with the right to vote and own property in Ephia's Well. A Voice is no longer attached to any definition of citizenship.

On the third, terms and criterias shall be written for the definition and declaration of true citizenship in Ephia's Well, defined not by purchase but through providence and merit, and fundamental rights.

It may be called the Citizen's Act, followed by a brief set of rights owed to all citizens of Ephia's Well.
On the terms and criterias of citizenship, it has been discussed in a number of proposals from;

  • Length of residency in Ephia's Well (1-2 months)
  • Purchase of a license
  • Membership of an Accord constituent or city faction (i.e the Scribes, the Glaziers, the Sandstone College)
  • An application (the most straining of options on our bureaucracy)

Therefore, with these proposals, I suggest a meeting of the League of White be held soon to formalize these proposals and present them to Legate Achaeus Komemnos so that we may see if he shall budge, or if we will have to wait for victory in the next election and begin to strategize our approach.