Letter to Legates Komemnos & Moretti

Started by NeedForGreed, January 14, 2025, 12:40:49 PM

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Honored Legates,

Thank you for speaking with me recently regarding the re-establishment of the Sublime Bank. Each of you had concerns, which are addressed.

One, DCS Bashir's approval: Resolved, he has given his approval, as well as his recommendation for careful record-keeping. I am in agreement.

Two, whether grants are already handled by Zina Zizzo. I have spoken with her, and she indicated that this is no longer her role since the position of Merchant Master was dissolved. She sees no issues of overlap. Resolved.

Three, resolved, whether there were specific requests that would need funding right away. Legate Komemnos requested specific grant examples that could use funding. I have opted to be cautious in feeling out needs for grants, as I do not wish to give anyone an incorrect impression that grants are current funded. Therefore, I have spoken with Sergeant Rhuk Nor and citizen Ritz Orten and determined two initial candidates for grants from the Sublime Bank.

As discussed with Legate Komemnos, the Fourth Legion has been bolstered by unofficial and non-standardized enlistment bonuses by the Scribes. Sergeant Rhuk Nor was agreeable to the idea of enlistees receiving bonuses distributed by the Sublime Bank, and signed his name in support of the Sublime Bank. This represents a perfect use of the Sublime Bank: there is a continuous need for small, irregular payments to help bolster the Fourth's ranks. The Well has benefitted immensely from Scribe Haknar's commendable recruitment efforts, and the Fourth has seen its ranks bolstered with reliable newcomers. The funds for these efforts had come out of our own pockets (often selling surplus in Scribal stores).

Ritz Orten is the inheritor of Manta Wholt's legacy, his direct apprentice. She contributes both fine dining to the Well, and charitable meals to refugees to supplement the efforts of the Stockades. Orten regularly sells candies to help fund her work. Charity reimbursement for her work will allow her to continue providing meals to both refugees and citizenry.

I suggest a small infusion of seed money (no less than 2,500 dinars, but ideally 5,000 or more) for the Sublime Bank's inaugural grants: one for charity, one for bolstering law enforcement. Both parties will receive reimbursement for enlistment/charity over time and as needed.

If you are reading this worrying about micromanagement -- understandable. The Sublime Bank will generally run itself, however, the initial grants were requested and it is wise to be on the same page.

If either of you have any concerns, I am available by letter or meeting. Once the preparations are complete I will begin its establishment.

Manijeh bint Murassa
Office of Public Accounts


I give my agreement to establish an Accountant government title and assign a generous allowance purposed toward handling minor expenses such as bounties, awards, or grants commanded by the Legates of Ephia's Well.

The allowance could be 10, 20, 30, or even 100 dinars per hour, to the preference of Legate Komemnos.