Soloable Witch's Watch and Creep quests.

Started by Egon the Monkey, January 10, 2025, 11:56:45 AM

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Egon the Monkey

During a conversation on EFU-Main, YMD said that the Witch's Watch 'was supposed to be a place for exiles etc'. So suddenly the lowbie quests kind of make sense, except who's done enough to get exiled while only being L5-6? I've never done any of the Ashways 3-6s as people never recruit for them and I only learned that a couple of them exist.

As a lot of people remark, the exile/outsider life is a bit of a boring slide to giving up or perma, as there's only one hub. No supplies, no reason to go anywhere, nothing to do. So what if a a couple of the 3-6s near the Creep and Witch's Watch were changed to be Max 11, minimum party Size 1?

Now, a low payout isn't worth it much for someone who could just go crush Canyon from the Krak.
But if you're an exile, and especially if these quests had e.g. animatable corpses on the loot table... Well suddenly there's a way to pick up the basics of EfU life, while everyone else is off filling their bags from orc Raids. And a reason to leave the base camp and do stuff. I know the game is meant to be centred around the Well, but Exile or just 'trying to play an outsider druid etc' feels like OC Stop Having Fun. As the wilderness is dangerous, you need a second person for quests, so what is there to do?