[Pamphlets on the Cinquefoil Quest: Bel-Ishun and the Chalice]

Started by Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi, March 30, 2023, 02:36:52 AM

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Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[Recorded on some of the public boards about the Krak des Roses, the Souk, the Palatial Pyramid, and offered to the repository of the Temple of B'aara are a series of poems, prayers, pamphlets, quartos, folios,  sermons, and other notes besides. It is a growing list.]

Hziran 30, IY 7787
Acolyte Amelie of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine
Sermon at the Verdant Stage

I would speak to all the Well of Life and Purpose this day. Blessed are we by the Wyld and all the wholesome Wheel to be here to witness the turning of this Age.

QuoteAttend, that Spark, of blazing, burning Life; To find within that spirit-sung caress; Cinquefoil heart to light the storied way; To Chalice, call'd, to ever seek progress.

We are given a world that is fast in decline. The wasters recede, the desert grows, the Ash is fast upon us. But the Wheel has given us life with which to stand against this terrible tide. And it has given us hope in what is to come. The Pilgrim's Purpose given, Chalice-called, that we in this Well shall set down for all this land that foundation that will see the Cup rejuvenate the world.

So I speak to you now not of ash, or of dust, or of fading works. But of the glimmering ages that have lead to this moment. Of Life in its flower, that we shall see again. For Fierce Kula, the Wyld, has found her Garden in Bel-Ishun. She has named Herself, and She has cast out to the farthest sands the unwholesome things, the Djinn, and made safe that old world.

As all the ages then went by; From Colossi to Caliphate;
Though Darkness sought then at the door; Pra'raj cast down Its scorching light;
Their ways were barr'd, by Kingly power; Be-Ringed as they once were, all;
Still Kula looked upon the world; Her restless eyes would not be still;
In peace the focus of the Wheel; Attended Life, in all its flower;
The greatest Cities here arose; Upon the sea, Qadira sang;
Il Modo shone atop the waves; Baz'eel enthron'd, a diamond keen;
The greatest gardens there to build; Save Bel-Ishun in Wyld's ways;
Where ten-and-one Kalihlah stood; To tend the vines and flocks in praise;
And Kula looked upon the growth; And saw that Life did flourish there;
She smiled, blessing unto all; Who give the World their gracious care.

Let us not forget that beyond these walls is our own Garden, to which we must give that very gracious care, even in these lean and difficult times.

Forget not that golden age! For we shall usher in another.

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

[A short sermon is published on a pamphlet under the text "BEL-ISHÛN" and a rough woodcut depiction of a river bounded on two sides by reeds and forests.]

Record of a Sermon at the Krak des Roses
And Upon the Bellows

Sister Amélie of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine
Speaker for Kula

Nisah 2, IY 7789

In the early days of this world, in the wake of B'aara's Immolation, the seeds of Life which She had sheltered were passed on to those of the wholesome, sacred Wheel who would vouchsafe them through all trials.

Fierce Kula, with her spear and sickle, took up this charge and spread Life through all the world. And crowned Bel-Ishûn upon the banks of the Edutu, that river which flowed from sacred tears! It stands verdant still.

And though we abide in the ruin of so many good works, we may proclaim, as is chanted from the Krak des Roses, that these days of the Age of Ash are the last, and what shall come from our present struggle was long foretold:

That there shall come a Pilgrim, who shall realize the long-awaited Chalice, that shall bring about the glory of that verdant Paradise anew. Mark well! That every soul lost in this struggle, every Cinquefoil, soul of the Well we shall remember.

Attend, O Ephia's Well, that the works of your champions will be recounted, and that the funeral rites due to them by the command of the Martyrs shall be done, and their names echoed before the cistern.

Know that their sacrifice was not in vain; a power of the Enemy long thought invincible cast down and knowing death before their works! We shall remember them, as we live by Wyld's crook.