Clocked Tome

Started by Walrus Warwagon, November 14, 2024, 04:57:47 PM

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Walrus Warwagon

To prevent the loss of notes and invaluable insights, similar to the unfortunate loss of the workshop, this tome has been compiled to store copies of the Clockhand's works. It includes studies, speculations, theories, inventions, blueprints, formulas, diagrams, lectures, descriptions, transcriptions, prescriptions, observations, research reports, experimental results, engineering schematics, recipes, enchantment protocols, correspondence, prototype evaluations, analyses, logs, and so on...

Walrus Warwagon

Geothermal Sphere Study

  Analyze the structural and operational basis of Geothermal Spheres to harness their potential for controlled temperature reduction without risking volatile energy release, through utilization of their enormous capacity for drawing of geothermal excess from the locale.

Key Areas of Study:

    Marking Analysis:
    Catalog and decode the glyphs inscribed on the spheres to understand their role in energy absorption, retention, and release, possible associated functions. The markings likely act as an activation and regulation macro, inscribing parameters of perpetual ritual upon sufficient prepared vessel - a sphere, most durable three-dimensional shape. Sphere is a three-dimensional circle, most foundational ritualistic shape - it is reasonable to assume that activation of the glyphs is sequenced in a looped circular contour.
(see Liber Ritualium - Perpetual Rituals)

    Structural Components:
    The Sphere as a Capacitor:
    The sphere itself acts as an energy capacitor, capable of drawing in and storing vast amounts of geothermal energy until its maximum threshold is reached. Its shape allows for uniform energy distribution, minimizing stress points and maximizing containment efficiency.
    Legs as Conduits:
    The tripod-like legs (eight in total) are crucial for maintaining consistent ground contact and act as primary conduits for energy absorption. Their geometric arrangement forms a circle, enabling symmetrical contact with the ground. As energy flows, it behaves as a vector quantity, and this configuration allows for the redistribution of energy intake in response for any unevenness in inflow. This arrangement prevents energy imbalances that could destabilize the sphere during the absorption phase.

    Energy Absorption Cycle:
    Investigate the spheres capacity for drawing geothermal energy and the natural transition to the discharge phase. Separate study should focus on measurement of the rate of absorption and remaining of energy storage.

    Energy Discharge Cycle:
    The top of the sphere is notably devoid of markings and separated by a relief from the inscribed area, mirroring the bottom section where the legs are connected. This design suggests that the top serves as a discharge area, possibly functioning as an outlet for energy release. Since usual dissipation rate hrough the surface is clearly insufficient for the dissipation of at-capacity surplus, this must've been a failsafe introduced by the sphere's creator.
    Given the relief's function as a boundary, it is logical to hypothesize that energy dissipates in the form of a radiative emission or compressed venting to safely release an excess of stored energy during the discharge phase to as wide or far upward area as possible. This suggest spheres weren't always utilized underground... Further studies should investigate if this release involves visible energy phenomena or controlled bursts, and if such output could be adjusted by the regulation properties of the marked zone.

  Theoretical Speculation: Potential Applications by Creators
  The creators likely intended these devices not only for temperature regulation (daily absorption, nightly release), but also for more complex purposes. Potential purposes might've included geologic stabilization - reduction of entropy within locale's landmass to prevent seismic or even artificial disruptions (a failsafe).
  The discharge area at the sphere's top hints at a controlled release mechanism that could have been employed for energy redistribution, perhaps powering ancient infrastructure (too risky with the current artifice).
  The layout of the markings and their ritualistic encoding imply the spheres might have functioned as part of larger geomantic arrays, connecting nodes - wells of natural energy.
  Ash repelling phenomena. Result of the air flow due to convection, or property of a proto-shade..?

Walrus Warwagon

Geothermal Sphere Study: Measurement Device Development

    Analyze the structural and operational basis of Geothermal Spheres to harness their potential for controlled temperature reduction without risking volatile energy release, through utilization of their enormous capacity for drawing of geothermal excess from the locale.

    Context and Rationale:
    The base mode of operation of the spheres is considered sufficient for achieving the desired thermal modulation, and it is reasonable to assume that their original creation incorporated multiple fail-safes to prevent going over capacity and to stabilize inflow and dissipation.
    However, our limited understanding and the extreme geothermal conditions present significant risks and potential strain on these devices. We lack ability to take prompt readings from the spheres in originally intended way. Modern measurement tools are necessary to monitor the rate of energy inflow, detect sudden spikes, and assess the remaining energy capacity to ensure the process remains stable and controllable/

    Mode of Operation:
    We will repurposing the emitter's design. By eschewing the original intended fuction of the frost-generation the device becomes more compact, allowing for a higher concentration of mage-silver to enhance measurement precision.
    The monitoring device consist of mage-silver sensor array embedded with the enhancements originally developed for the now-discarded cold emitter, combined with an alchemical-steel-based mirror orb's conversion process. This integration enables the device to react to slightest fluctiations of the heat produced by the sphere's surface during energy intake and dissipation.
    The device could be applied to the legs area of the sphere to monitor energy inflow directly, while, after calibration, readings of the heat output from the sphere's surface provide an indicator of the remaining energy capacity. With this dual-monitoring approach operators could promptly react to changes in sphere's behavior. Measurement device reduces risks and maintaining the integrity of the process.

    The Spheres far surpass energy storage capabilities of most modern cores, prompting questions about principle behind their design. My leading theory suggests that secret of these seemingly stone constructions is the ability to store energy as a mass, altering the density of their core material.
    It is possible that the spheres achieve this by momentarily melting and reforming their internal composition, transitioning between denser and less dense states to accommodate varying levels of stored energy.
    So far this is the only explanation I have, that would explain how iti s possible for the sphere to manage immense energy loads safely, unless tampered with. A process unmatched by current technologies that rely on storing energy in it's original state, converted into alternative energy state, or by using catalytic reactions.
    Could it be... But if colossi method allows to utilize mass as energy, is it possible that Shade...

Walrus Warwagon

Legs of the spheres are too thin, too short to bear the weight. They are conduits.
The sphere itself floats, levitates above the surface at exactly required height. Basic function require for its operation. An "idle" state of its ritual.
Usually holding such a mass in the air would be costly, inefficient. Does it utilize the principle of celestial gravitation?
Most importantly, if the molten core theory is right - could it harness it's own magnetic or semi-magnetic field? No, force of magnetism is too weak. This one would be closer to a forceform construct. A force field similar to that of advanced mage hands?

Walrus Warwagon

Project Snowball Emergency Activation Protocol:

In case of conventional thermal control wards and rituals failing and warcamp heating up to potentially damaging degrees:

1) Retireve measurement and calibration device (silver, circular, four-handed instrument) from the designated equipment table;

2) Attach to sphere - place indented backside of the measurement device against the sphere's surface and press the rectangular button to establish a reading. Move across the sphere when required by following steps;

3) Verify Inflow - confirm the activated sphere is in the inflow stage (not dissipation), Upspin Hand must be in a yellow zone.

4) Increase Inflow - align the measurement device with the second circle from the top (marked by symbols). Press the circular button until the Inflow Hand moves from Yellow to Red zone.

5) Adjust Impedance Control - Align the measurement device with the bottom circle (marked by symbols) - Press the triangle button untuil the Impedance Hand moves from Red to Blue zone.

6) Flush Capacity (if required) - if the Capacity Hand approaches the Red zone - Attach the measurement device to the uppermost circle. Press both triangle and circular buttons simultaneously to activate the flush mode.
IMPORTANT: Ensure the top of the sphere is unobstructed. Devastating energy rays may be released - ensure sphere is oriented toward the sky to prevent horizontal damage.

7) Activate Second Sphere - Verify the second sphere's Capacity Hand is in the Blue zone, activate the second sphere following the same steps and establish a rotation cycle between spheres, alternating daily.

!) DO NOT ACTIVATE DIAGONAL CIRCLES - Advanced functions associated with diagonal circles are unresearched and may produce unpredictable effects. Under no circumstances should these circles be used.

Final Notes:
This protocol must be reviewed and memorized by all staff assigned to the geothermal system.
Operator should immediately report anomalies to available Palatial Engineers or Apothars.
If all measurement devices are destroyed, disconnect the sphere's legs from the ground surface.

Walrus Warwagon

At the heart, there lies a circle.
The circle is ritual.
Within its turning - each a gear, each a link in the infinite chain, the clock reveals a symphony of countless circles.
Clockwork begins with the most fundamental mechanical principle.
Clockwork ends in perfection.
Each cog, each sprocket, is a ritual turning within a ritual, upon a ritual.
This is why the forgotten clockwork stands as one of the most secretive, dangerous, and exquisite schools of artifice.
Inseparable from the past, the present, and the yet-to-be.
It terrified the King.

Walrus Warwagon

We have been perused, persecuted, and prejudiced against.
The desert was safe, but the old city hungered for our help.
They refused to understand, and so much time was lost to their ignorance.
As the clocktowers crumbled, the grand alignment faltered.
Day and night quickened.
Much was gone, slipping away unnoticed.
In the end, there was nothing left to protect, so we vanished.
We severed years from our own time and scattered them, hidden deep within the inner rings.
To be found by our people when the time is right.
When the Tyrant in the Mist is inevitably gone, our secrets will once more be put to service.

Walrus Warwagon

"Time is... a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff." - nameless doctor of temporal mechanics

Understanding Fundamentals: Chroneons and Time-Viscosity

Chroneons are temporal particles existing in a superpositional state across time, where their behavior reflects potential futures and possible pasts. However, they are never observed in the present, representing the probabilistic structure of time's multidimensionality.
The present is a null state, a boundary condition where the superpositions of chroneons collapse into transient probabilities. In this state, chroneons do not maintain an observable form and instead exist as latent variables that resolve only when transitioning to measurable pasts or plausible futures.

Time viscosity varies across dimensions, characterized by temporal impedance or chronal permeability, which dictates how freely time can propagate:

  • Fourth Dimension: High Chronal Permeability
    This layer of minimal impedance, allows chroneons to traverse freely. Probabilities are distributed across a near-infinite field (N4 → ∞), representing the theoretical maximum range of futures and pasts. Alternative timelines interact weakly, existing as diffuse possibilities rather than constrained paths.
  • Third Dimension: Moderate Temporal Impedance
    Here, time's viscosity begins to increase, creating "drag" on chroneons. Probabilities align more tightly around shared anchors—dominant events or phenomena that constrain the range of potential outcomes. Alternative timelines cluster around high-probability pathways, reducing the number of viable paths (N3 << N4).
  • Second Dimension: Convergent Temporal Resistance
    Time in this state exhibits significant resistance to divergence, forcing chroneons into tightly bound trajectories. The probability field narrows sharply (N2 << N3), resulting in strong coherence around dominant timelines, though alternatives persist as fractal branches.
  • First Dimension: Temporal Collapse
    At this point, time reaches maximum impedance, reducing perceived outcomes to N1, where N1 ≈ 1 represents the apparent singular flow of linear time. However, alternative timelines persist as fractal endpoints conjoined through higher-dimensional structures.

This dimensional cascade follows a fractal wavefunction collapse, where probabilities condense exponentially across each layer while preserving fractal continuity between alternative timelines. The relationship can be expressed as:


where N4 is the vast probabilistic field of the fourth dimension, and α, β, and γ represent condensation factors at each transition.

Temporal collapse creates a localized singular perception of linearity while maintaining interdimensional coherence. The endpoints of collapsed timelines form a fractal network, interconnected through higher dimensions, ensuring that alternative timelines coexist as latent possibilities or weakly interacting structures in the multidimensional temporal field. This interplay suggests that the perceived singularity of time is an emergent property, not a definitive resolution.

Of course, this outline merely scratches the surface of temporal mechanics. Advanced concepts are inaccessible to the uninitiated without solid grasp of multidimensional frameworks and abstract temporal principles. It is my hope that this simplified explanation of the fundamentals will provide a semblance of foundation for the reader's continued exploration (and, maybe, eventual comprehension).

Walrus Warwagon

    "Try to imagine a life without timekeeping. You probably can't. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. Yet all around you, timekeeping is ignored. Birds are not late. A dog does not check his watch. Deer do not fret over passing birthdays. Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of running out of time." - the other timekeeper

    Infinite Dimensionality and Temporal Storage

    The four-dimensional cascade described during introductory chapter defines time as a hierarchical structure governed by temporal impedance and chronal permeability, with successive layers refining probabilities through progressive collapse. However, this refinement does not imply termination but instead supports a model of infinite-dimensional recursion, where each state resolves within a fractal manifold embedded in an Aethelwine-Hilbert space.

    As time tends toward infinite dimensionality, it can be expressed as a probabilistic field where each point in the manifold corresponds to a state vector describing a latent timeline. Formally, we define the temporal field as:

    Ψ(t): D → F(t)

    where D represents the infinite-dimensional domain and F(t) is the fractal lattice function defining temporal states. In this framework:

    • Dimensional Expansion:
      Each lower-dimensional layer imposes impedance, refining probabilities, but higher-dimensional layers remain an unbounded reservoir of latent variables. These latent variables correspond to basis vectors in the Aethelwine-Hilbert space, where all probabilistic states exist as superpositions until resolved.
    • Fractal Convergence:
      At higher layers, fractal pathways not only expand but also converge into singularities of coherence - stable structures formed through cyclical interactions within the manifold. These stabilizing nodes define temporal trajectories while preserving continuity across layers. The coherence condition can be approximated as:

    Cn+1 = limk → ∞ Σi=1k Pi

    where Cn+1 represents the coherence in the next layer, formed by the weighted probabilities (Pi) of prior fractal configurations.

    • Temporal Storage:
      Past and future states are distributed non-locally across this manifold, encoded through a fractal lattice that ensures continuity. Instead of erasing configurations during collapse, latent states are embedded as persistent variables within the higher-dimensional framework, preserving structural integrity across transitions. This lattice acts as a dynamic reservoir of unresolved probabilities, maintaining the form:

    S(t) = ∫Ψ(t)dt

    where S(t) defines temporal storage as the integral of resolved and unresolved probabilities over time.

    Multiple Pasts, Futures, and Presents

    The recursive nature of latent variable resolution implies that pasts, presents, and futures must exist as probabilistic layers rather than discrete states. This inherently rejects the notion of a singular past or absolute present, replacing it with a model of temporal multiplicity:

       The present is not a singular point but a matrix of null states, dynamically linked across fractal endpoints.
       The past is preserved as a network of resolved pathways within the lattice, embedded structurally rather than erased.
       The future exists as an array of potential configurations, constrained by temporal impedance but not collapsed until a probabilistic path is resolved.

    Each configuration defines a Timeline - a path through the lattice formed by probabilistic resolution. Timelines emerge through:

    • Convergence - aligning multiple paths into a dominant trajectory due to coherence at fractal nodes.
    • Divergence - splitting into multiple trajectories when latent variables allow multiple resolutions.
    • Termination - collapsing when a set of latent probabilities is exhausted, preventing further extension.

    Timelines can be expressed as sequences:

    Ti = {P1, P2, P3, ..., Pn}

    where each Pn represents a resolved probability from the lattice, and Ti defines the pathway's structure.


    This framework formalizes time as an infinite-dimensional probabilistic field, embedded within an Aethelwine-Hilbert space. The temporal lattice described earlier operates as a dynamic reservoir, ensuring that latent variables remain non-local and persistent.

    The present, rather than existing as a fixed point, emerges as a cross-sectional configuration within the lattice, defined by null states dynamically linked across fractal endpoints - a state of link between pasts and futures, in sets forming a timeline. Probabilistic connections determine whether timelines:

    • Continue along a dominant trajectory, possibly converging.
    • Branch into alternative paths.
    • Collapse upon exhausting probabilistic states.

    This process can be formalized by the collapse function:

    Φ(T) = limn → ∞ Πi=1n Pi

    In this model, time's linearity is revealed as an emergent property. It explains the existence of multiple timelines, and further elaborates upon advanced temporal mechanics building upon what was established during the introductory chapter, offering to those capable of understanding a better comprehension of material.

    Walrus Warwagon

    [One of the posters that have found its way to advertisement boards was preserved, carefully folded, and put between pages of the journal.]