URGENT: Rennik Colmes

Started by Sunburst, October 23, 2024, 05:56:39 PM

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Lieutenant Rennik Colmes,
Warmaster of Ephia's Well,
Penitent Champion of the Wroth,

I have received a report indicating that Carrot Grimes has formally deserted the Fourth Legion. Last night, under the guise of seeking the support of our Way in preparing for his next life, he severed his connection to the Wheel and was formally initiated under a patron Sage. Perhaps six hours later, he departed Ephia's Well with his personal effects.

The merchant unions have informed me that he took a ship out of Qadira. They've also told me that his application for a visa to enter Il Modo has been denied. I have no notion of his current whereabouts, if he is hiding on some remote island, or if he has chosen to drown in the Sea, but I highly doubt he has any intention to return.

I am not a superstitious man. Nonetheless, I am concerned that his absence might harm the war effort. During his conversion, I am to understand he spoke at length about some ghoulish ritual to ward off misfortune, which he was desperate to escape.

I would wish you Maribela's luck in adapting to this situation, but I imagine that would be a waste of breath.


Agent of Her Sublime Highness,
of the Bronze Spear in the Heart of Darkness,
of the Brightest Ruby in the Sands,
of the Builder of a Thousand Minarets,
of the inimitable Princess Shaimela al-Marib



This will not harm the war effort. Grimes was informed that if he were to flee, another would take his place-- and another has. His faith was lacking, and the honor and chance to retain some dignity in his position is lost now. May his bones be ground to dust, and may the Eye of the Wroth glare down on him wherever he may walk.

Which of your Sages did he convert to, if I may ask?

Lt. R. Colmes



I expected him to plead for the embrace of Sage Santina's kind and merciful arms, to reach for unconditional love from our Saint of Compassion, to ask her to shield him from the horrors that he wasn't strong enough to bear.

I expected him to choose a path similar to the one he was leaving behind, to recommit himself one last time to charity and hope and forgiveness.

I expected him to cling onto the light of virtue with desperate strength, even in the darkest and most shameful hour of his life.

He didn't.

And that should be all I need to tell you.