Cinquefoil Propaganda

Started by Random_White_Guy, October 09, 2024, 02:15:45 PM

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Tumultuous overnight violence and traded spellfire within the Palatial Pyramid between Legate Argent Argryis and Sisters of the Sibylline Vine. By morning handbills begin to circulate. Three different sorts, carrying three very different messages. One is placed in the very spot outside the Chamber of Rule where the violence took place. Others in the Souk, Palm Heights, Hasheema's Hope, similar locales. While their depictions and messages differ, upon the back of each a scrawled message from the ranking Apothar of the Tower of Q'tolip.

Upon the back of each handbill
When you blackmailed Legates into taking the Drink, even consuming numerous vials while you watched, I thought it crass, yet I withheld judgement. I thought... perhaps this is in service to a grander scheme? I will wait and see what the true goal is. Surely...

Every call for board work struck me like a knife in my stomach, but still, I waited. Perhaps this is merely the way that they engender trust in the adventuring class. Wretches. Mgh. But to force a man to do your bidding, even choosing his co-Legate and making him vote against his League for you, and then to taunt and bait him with the knowledge that you found another...

Then to soundly thrash him in his very seat of power. No. My interests are not in powerful, crass, and overt adventurers. They are in mystery cults and Witches and mysticism. I have cast my Thesis into the flames. I will merely start anew with those more deserving. I will stay my course to stop the Disaster, but I grieve to see what becomes of the order in world lines such as these. That is all.

-Estellise Azimi
Apothar the Third of Q'tolip
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips