[The Master Merchant's Hall]

Started by Lannister, October 03, 2024, 12:09:34 AM

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Reputable Merchants,

I've been forwarded your way in my search of a reputable moneylender.

My duties take up much of my time lately thus I am seeking to put together a sum that requires a loan of 20,000 dinar as I will be unable to recover that amount in such a short time as I need it.

Would you be able to cover this amount? If so what repayment options would be available to me?

Yours faithfully,
Balladeer Aurelio d'Lyon


Live and Drink,
Balladeer Aurelio

We'd love to support your needs in this trying time,

But, it appears from impartial third-party observation that your adventurous spirit and exuberance for life and myth chasing involve activities that fall outside of our typical risk acceptance criteria. In specific this includes, fighting orc wars, charging foolhardily into the depths of darkness, crusading beyond your mortal limits, seeking the untold abysses in a personal quest to thwart them, leaping into the vast pelagic unknown, extreme cup collecting, and a violent tendency towards injustice which places you in a category of elevated risk.

While we commend your passion for living life to it's fullest and your commitment to saving the disc in such exhilarating ways, these numerous factors unfortunately make it exceptionally difficult for us to provide you with the coverage you're seeking under our current policies without extensive collateral in the unlikely yet possible state of your death.

Regarding this, we'd love to hear how you might consider collateralizing this loan and if you would have cosigners which this debt will continue on to in the unlikely yet needed eventuality that you are not in fact the chosen champion of the Mother who will save the disc.

We appreciate you reaching out to us, and we are despite prior notes, as of yet still deeply interested in supporting you, please feel free to let us known how you wish collateralize your loan moving forward.

With most exquisite respect,
Zina's Emporium