Letters to Marcellus, Dante and Ahmet

Started by Zambition, September 06, 2024, 06:45:35 PM

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To the esteemed candidates of the Leagues Purple, Gold and White;

Detailed below you will find the questions that will be asked during this evening's debate. Though I had hoped to give you all more time to ponder them, it is my firm belief that this platform given to each of you is not an opportunity to debase one another, but to be transparent and thorough with your aims, so the people you wish to serve as Legate no matter what deal has been struck as is the nature of politics, can truly know where you stand in this election.

I am greatly honored that you (I have yet to speak with you, Ahmet, but I surmise that you are not one to back down from a friendly quarrel!) have all entrusted me with hosting and moderating this debate, and impelled as I am to be of utmost service, it is my hope that this event shall set a precedent for future debates in our fair elections.

Thank you, and may the camels kick in any one direction.

Yours truly,
Student of the Sandstone College,
Partisan of the League of Purple,
Mekonnen Aristides


Limited to 60 minutes

Question 1: What is the basis of your platform, and what was your motivation, inspiration or reason for running? (Approx 12 Minutes, each candidate answers, 4 minutes each)

Question 2: With Iakmes' hordes pushed back and Arslan captured, what will be your pursuit as Legate on the matter? What will be sought for the fate of Arslan? (Approx 12 minutes, each candidate answers, 4 minutes each)

Question 3: What would you consider the ideal cost of citizenship and what does citizenship mean to you? (Approx 12 minutes, each candidate answers, 4 minutes each)

Question 4: What is one reform you would pursue while in office, be it of the economy, of society, of culture and/or of religion and the law? (Approx 12 minutes, each candidate answers, 4 minutes each)

Question/Debate Period - 12 minutes. The Voiced receive two questions, those not Voiced receive one question. Raise your hand if you have a question, and addressed to whom.

The Second Debate will be held on Tesrin Hray the 8th, roughly two hours after Bashir's fashion show. It will encompass more of a free for all platform, in which any unfinished quarrel and retort from the previous debate may be lain and explored, and the crowd may ask any further questions.

If you have any suggestions after the First Debate or subjects afterwards you would like to touch upon, feeling as if it was left out previously or time was limited, please reach out.