Letter to Acolyte Narwen

Started by NeedForGreed, August 24, 2024, 02:09:51 AM

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QuoteTo Signora Narwen,

I heard your call offering funding for charities, and Sergeant Grimes told me he had spoken to you and raised the matter of needing medical beds. He suggested I speak to you as well.

First, I must correct some misinformation on the bellows of late regarding funding:

The hospital project is not being 'showered in dinarii', and instead has currently no funding aside from my out-of-pocket costs. My House of Healing in the Tablet does get some donations, totaling 3,775 in lifetime donations, not including donated medicine and assistance. Legate Marcellus has offered to use his library to assist with space needs and property costs, which I have handled personally. At some point in the next day or so, I will make a public clarification of the misinformation.

If you would be interested in assisting us in this endeavor, it will not only fulfill a long-standing need of this community but also significantly impact the well-being and fighting capability of the janissaries and soldiers of Ephia's Well. Your support could potentially save lives in the future.

Each bed costs 500 dinars, making scaling an expensive prospect. Sergeant Grimes suggests that at least thirty beds may be needed, though (1) we are still getting official counts and (2) with triage and rotation of patients I believe we can make do with less.

As mentioned on bellows, this is not some personal project, but a crucial public work for all the Well, serving the community's health needs. Your assistance could get us off the ground faster, quite literally in the case of some janissaries.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I would be happy to discuss in detail.



Hello Miss Fiordelise,

Thank you for the clarifications.

It is the charge of our sacred sisterhood that we provide and care for refugees from the fallen and old world.

It is my hope that the charity I have humbly collected will help them.

I have a few concerns about the hospital. Its location in the richest part of the Well precludes any aid to those who are the most in need of help. The refugees are sequestered outside of our walls and often denied entry into the Well.

You state that the intent is to provide healing care to the Janissary, which is a good and noble endeavor, but again it does little to help the refugees.

I understand that having healthy soldiers means that the Well is better defended. And I understand that indirectly the refugees will benefit from this.

Will beds be reserved solely for the janissary? Will wounded Banda Rossa or Balladeers be provided care? How will you decide who gets care if the beds are full?

Thank you,
Acolyte Narwen Alendiel


QuoteAcolyte Narwen,

Thank you for your response. My apologies, I had mostly heard of the offer from Carrot and had not realized it was exclusively for refugees.

I do run a refugee clinic and shelter in the Tablet, which provides medical care and shelter to refugees free of cost. If the Hospital is unsuitable to these funds due to being more focused on the general public, I would certainly welcome consideration for the House of Healing instead. It would at least free up my personal funds a bit. The House of Healing could use assistance with paying wages, rent, or a few more beds for refugees. I currently employ Halim for cleaning/cooking and Tarek to assist in medical care.

As for the Hospital effort itself, to address your concerns:

It is located in the richest part of the Well, indeed. Unfortunately this is the only property that has become available. Legate Marcellus has offered ample room within his own Library of Izdu property to assist us with providing more room for care.

Beds will be given according to medical triage and need, rather than political concerns. The wounded Janissaries on the floor of the Krak des Roses require dedicated medical bedding and are my top priority for long-term triage and care. The reason they are currently the priority is because they currently are right there, in need of care, and can be immediately helped. The hospital is not 'for janissaries', to clarify. Any wounded members of the Accord and the general public will similarly be assigned beds per triage and given equal care to the best of our ability.

A quick explanation of basic triage: Category I, critical but highly recoverable, the highest priority. These patients require immediate care. Category II, Stable but requiring long-term care. Still high priority, but they will not immediately perish without a bed and care. Category III, minimal care needed. These patients can often be tended to in a chair or only require a bed for short periods of time. Other categories include terminal or quarantined.

A proper bed allocation strategy must be flexible day-to-day. Category I the highest priority, followed closely by Category II. But roughly the standard is 25-30% of beds for Category I, 40-50% for Category II.

To reiterate, janissaries currently have high priority due to the existing need of those on the floor and in the streets. Political affiliation is not taken into account.

No small number of those who enter our walls and perform work within it are themselves refugees. Dariush, for example, a refugee himself from Arslan.

I believe in the virtues of holistic healthcare for this community. Health rises all together in a tide, so long as it is not cloistered behind walls and is available to all. This is why I seek to address public health through both a clinic outside the walls and one inside. Both, shall ever benefit each other.

Beds cost 500 dinar each, whether they go towards the clinic and shelter outside the walls or to a hospital within. Donations have helped the House of Healing much, but they do not cover the drain on overall funding.

Regardless of your decision, thank you for your time and consideration. May the funds be of great help to the help of those in need.



QuoteAcolyte Narwen,

My apologies for leaving in a hurry, after you had answered my questions about the remaining location question. The existence of misinformation is ever one that I feel needs addressing immediately, and I was due for a visit to my patient Nadiri Celybuin.

I cannot change that the only location within the Well available for purchase was in the Palm Heights - but I do intend to switch as soon as someone takes me up on the offer. I will be reaching out to signore Gedwyr with a letter on the matter, and appreciate your recommendation.

Similarly, I am grateful for the heads up that the local residents might not be happy about the hospital's presence. It is unfortunate, but I suppose I should have known. Would they have been any happier with any other kind of charity, I am not sure.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or concerns.

Thank you for your time,


Miss Fiordelise,

You should receive the dinar soon. I apologize for the indirectness of this, but we are humble servants of the Wheel and it would be awkward and inappropriate for us to publicly provide these funds to a Priestess of the Dome of Man, even when the cause is a noble and selfless one.

May the Mother bless,
Acolyte Narwen Alendiel


QuoteAcolyte Narwen,

I am deeply grateful - thank you. I understand and respect your situation, and your willingness to help. Every little bit helps, whether it is one bed or several. If you have requests about how or where the funds are spent - in the refugee clinic/shelter, or at the hospital - I am all ears.

With deepest appreciation,


QuoteAcolyte Narwen,

I have some charity drives planned soon, to reach out to the people in the Tablet who had to suffer the violence in their own domain today.

We are still working out the details, but I do not want the charity drive to merely benefit my own work. There are many in the Well who do good work for the people of the Tablet and those outside the walls.

If you would like, I would be willing to work together to ensure that funds raised to a multitude of efforts in the Tablet. I know of a few, you may know of more.



QuoteAcolyte Narwen,

I hope you are in good health and better spirits after the attack on your person.

I have not yet seen the funds or been approached by the person indirectly to give them to me. Has the plan changed? Please do not misunderstand the question as impatience, I am just checking in.

Thank you for your time, and may your body and spirit heal with vigor.

Fiordelise Foscari


QuoteAcolyte Narwen,

It has been a full week that Ahmet has held the funds for charity - for refugees, for public health. Is that correct? Has he still not returned it to you, or made any attempt at a meeting?

Withholding funds from the needy is one of the few things that truly angers me. I feel a disservice is being done to you, presumably to spite me, and the ones that pay the price are the sick, wounded, and poor.

I find myself at a bit of a loss at how to encourage him to return your money to you. None of this is your fault. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance, as our goals are one in the same: the aid of those in need.

Fiordelise Foscari


Miss Fiordelise,

I humbly ask that you look not upon Amhet with suspicion or attribute to him any malice. He has attempted to reach out to me. It is unfortunate that our schedules have delayed meeting until now.

He is a good and honest man. He has returned the charity funds so that they can be distributed as I originally promised. I will try to meet with you soon.

With the Mother's blessings,
Acolyte Narwen Alendiel


QuoteAcolyte Narwen,

I am glad to hear this - I apologize if it caused you any distress. I admit my impressions were colored by our interactions on the matter. I will respect what you are asking.

I will seek you out soon, and begin the work.



Miss Fiordelise,

I was disappointed to hear my donations being used as a political talking point during the debates. It is strange to me that Candidate Dante would claim this as a victory for his campaign, when the donation was to your hospital when you were still a member in good standing of the League of White.

It is further strange that he would go out of his way to publicly call me out for my contributions to "his" charity - despite my wishes for myself and the Priory to not be brought into this.

It is even further strange to me that the gift of charity that I gathered and had given was being used as an example of how "his" charity organization is the greatest and most prolific in the Well.

Candidate Dante has since apologized, in a backhanded way, and I have forgiven him. But it seems to me that a narrative is being spun here and it is not one that I care to see continue.

Acolyte Narwen Alendiel


QuoteAcolyte Narwen,

I agree, that is inappropriate, and should not have been done without your permission. I am reading through the transcripts and see what you mean.

I will speak with him - and ask that he be more considerate, and not pull you into his political campaign in such a way.  I will also take some responsibility for it, he was not aware of your request to me that you not be thanked publicly for the donation.

If there is a way I can make this right to you, my ears are open.

Live and drink,
Fiordelise Foscari