[A crew for al-Nasr and beyond...]

Started by Ziya, August 15, 2024, 05:13:35 PM

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"Beware the ides of Qdim", she warned. And yet on this 15th of Qdim did Professor Balstan Gloamingdaith make the fateful Bellows below. Wonder how that will end...

QuoteA'ite, Ephians. Live and drink. Hearken to my words, I bade yer. This may be long, but ought be worth yer time.

Some of yer may be aware of al-Nasr, and what resides 'neath it. It be the old capital, the summer palace, and some say the cornerstone of our creation. Deep beneath, amidst its ancient and haunted ruins, reside the histories of our world.

In the spirit of ringrunning ere the Ringfall, it is my intent tae see formed a crew to delve into al-Nasr and beyond. Such a crew shall be chartered, with all the lawful authorisations needed to do so. We shall be bound by oaths and troths to nay speak a word of what we see beyond the reports which we shall pen to the authorities of Ephia's Well.

We shall number nay more than SIX. Our crew shall comprise of at least one member of each Accord Signatory, that we may be united in our singular ambition to unearth what may lie hidden beneath.

Beware, however, fer these ruins are nay kind to interlopers, and interlopers we are. We shall have tae be cautious, we shall have tae be stalwart, fer great perils shall be mustered against us, and there be nay any guarantee that we shall come out the other side alive and triumphant. We may, likely will, perish in this solemn undertaking, ere we reach the end. But, perhaps, our efforts will and our reports will aid the crews that come after us.

Know this: I bear knowledge of the Assuru Code, and have both the authorisation and the means tae see opened the way fer the crew. The way is opened. The only question is whether we are resolute enough tae brave it. With a crew, I trust that we shall be. Together, we shall achieve what is great. Together, we shall achieve what is hard.

I shall be interviewing those interested in the days and sennights tae come, and I shall be planning our expedition alongside whatever other legal paperwork I may need tae fill in. Do take note of the TIMING of when I intend fer such expeditions to happen, however, and do nay seek me out if yer cannae devote at least one day a sennight alongside whatever preparations may be needed fer supplies and the likes.

If yer be interested - seek me out. Write tae me. Reach out tae me. Bellow tae me. I be heading tae mark scripts and respite, but will answer and seek yer out when I can.

The way is open, and this Age of Ash is beginning to turn. Oathbound companions will we be, and wellbound shall we delve. And, by the Mother's grace, we shall light the way down. Live and drink, aye.

// The general idea is to start a long-term 'ringrunning' crew interested in exploring al-Nasr and the Assuru beneath on a fairly frequent or at least weekly basis. Those interested should reach out to Balstan IC, but should also be have the availability to play around this time and the hours thereafter: timer, i.e., that time and weekly on the same time. Generally, late American or early OCE hours.