A sealed letter to Legate Marcellus Saenus with an enclosed contract

Started by Anthee, July 19, 2024, 01:46:30 PM

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Esteemed Legate Saenus,

Please review the enclosed loan contract draft and let me know if there are any oversights or if you have any amendments before we sign it.

Because I would, under the terms of the contract, be the sole person with access to the Temple of Izdu in the event of your demise, you may want to specify some beneficiary for the assets stored therein which exceed the amount specified in 2.2. If you were to perish in battle, I could for the small fee of 300 dinari (paid in securities) attempt to seek out that person and grant them access to the temple's assets after having seized my own securities.

You may deliver your reply either to the Hall of Trade or to the Krak des Roses where I rent a room.

Yours sincerely
Zina Zizzo

Quote1. This is a loan contract between two Voiced citizens of Ephia's Well, Zina Zizzo ("the creditor") and Marcellus Saenus ("the debtor").

2. The creditor agrees to lend the debtor a sum of 3,500 dinari at a fixed interest rate of 25%, for a total repayment of 4,375 dinari, on the following conditions:

2.1. Before the loan sum is handed over, the debtor grants the creditor access to the Temple of Izdu in Ephia's Well with the understanding that any and all assets stored therein, as viewed and evaluated on Illul 18th, are considered "the securities" of this loan.

2.2. In the event of the debtor's demise or defaulting on this debt, or if the creditor at any time perceives a reasonable threat to her access to the securities, the creditor may with sole discretion confiscate from the Temple of Izdu any number of securities with a total value, according to her sole judgement, equal to the outstanding debt with interest plus a resale expense fee of 400 dinari.

2.3. The debtor solemnly assures that until this debt is repaid, no one but the debtor and the creditor has access to the Temple of Izdu and the securities stored therein. While the debt remains unpaid, the creditor may at any time freely visit the Temple of Izdu to inspect her securities.

2.3.1. This condition may be waived if the debtor at any point hands over to the creditor's safekeeping until the debt is repaid a number of securities as defined in 2.2.

2.4. The loan is to be repaid in four instalments with the following due dates:

Illul 27th – 1,000 dinari
Qdim 3rd – 1,000 dinari
Qdim 10th – 1,000 dinari
Qdim 17th – 1,375 dinari

2.4.1. If the debtor defaults on any of the instalments, in whole or in part, the creditor may invoke clause 2.2 of this contract up to the amount defaulted on plus 25% of the resale expense fee (100 dinari). The creditor promises to attempt to negotiate with the debtor before unilaterally confiscating any securities.

2.5. The debtor may repay any amount of the outstanding debt with potions of the following kinds according to the values specified herein:

Serious Healing – 50 dinari
Blur – 80 dinari
Clarity – 80 dinari
Speed – 180 dinari
Displacement – 180 dinari
Polarization – 180 dinari
Restored Senses – 180 dinari

2.5.1. The creditor promises to accept at most 40 (forty) potions in this manner. The creditor may accept more at her discretion but may also demand payment in dinari.

2.6. The debtor may at any point repay in advance any of the instalments specified in 2.4, in whole or in part. If an instalment is repaid in advance but only in part, the remaining sum is still to be paid on that instalment's due date.

3. This contract may be amended with both parties' signed approval. Any amendments are treated as part of the original contract.

4. This contract is subject to the laws of Ephia's Well.

4.1. In the event that any clause of this contract leads to legal action in Ephia's Well, in order to guarantee impartiality, the debtor agrees that neither he (in the role of a Legate) nor any Magistrate appointed by him will preside as the judge of the trial.
Zina Zizzo


Zina Zizzo,

 I thank you for the contract draft, but the terms within it seem acceptable. Considering the urgency of the needed supply, and the proximity of the battle the terms held within seem acceptable. I may choose somebody to act as my beneficiary, in the event of my demise, but this can be formalized later.

 For now I shall sign this draft, as the contents of it seem to agree with myself. The exact amounts of potions we have agreed upon earlier. If there would be any other issues or questions please let me know.

*The Contract Draft is signed by Marcellus, adding the date 19th Illul IY 7787*

Live and Drink,

 Legate Marcellus Saenus


Esteemed Legate Saenus,

Please find enclosed the loan contract as discussed, in two copies:

Quote1. This is a loan contract between two Voiced citizens of Ephia's Well, Zina Zizzo ("the creditor") and Marcellus Saenus ("the debtor").

2. The creditor agrees to lend the debtor a sum of 1,000 dinari at a fixed interest rate of 25%, for a total repayment of 1,250 dinari, on the following conditions:

2.1. Until all oustanding loans are settled, the debtor grants the creditor access to the Temple of Izdu in Ephia's Well with the understanding that any and all assets stored therein, as viewed and evaluated on Illul 18th, are considered "the securities" of this loan and other loans between the creditor and the debtor where such is stipulated in the contract.

2.2. In the event of the debtor's demise or defaulting on this debt, or if the creditor at any time perceives a reasonable threat to her access to the securities, the creditor may with sole discretion confiscate from the Temple of Izdu any number of securities with a total value, according to her sole judgement, equal to the outstanding debt with interest plus a resale expense fee of 200 dinari.

2.3. The debtor solemnly assures that until this debt is repaid, no one but the debtor and the creditor has access to the Temple of Izdu and the securities stored therein. While the debt remains unpaid, the creditor may at any time freely visit the Temple of Izdu to inspect her securities.

2.3.1. This condition may be waived if the debtor at any point hands over to the creditor's safekeeping until the debt is repaid a number of securities as defined in 2.2.

2.4. The loan is to be repaid in full (1,250 dinari) by Qdim 12th the latest.

2.4.1. If the debtor defaults on this repayment, in whole or in part, the creditor may invoke clause 2.2 of this contract up to the amount defaulted plus the resale expense fee. The creditor promises to attempt to negotiate with the debtor before unilaterally confiscating any securities.

2.5. The debtor may repay any amount of the outstanding debt with potions of the following kinds according to the values specified herein:

Serious Healing – 50 dinari
Blur – 80 dinari
Clarity – 80 dinari
Speed – 180 dinari
Displacement – 180 dinari
Polarization – 180 dinari
Restored Senses – 180 dinari

2.6. The debtor may at any point repay in advance the outstanding debt, in whole or in part.

3. This contract may be amended with both parties' signed approval. Any amendments are treated as part of the original contract.

4. This contract is subject to the laws of Ephia's Well.

4.1. In the event that any clause of this contract leads to legal action in Ephia's Well, in order to guarantee impartiality, the debtor agrees that neither he (in the role of a Legate) nor any Magistrate appointed by him will preside as the judge of the trial.

Zina Zizzo

Please sign both copies and send the other one to the Emporium. Thank you!

Zina Zizzo
Zina Zizzo


*A signed copy of the contract is sent back to Zina's Emporium*