Prominent Figure: Senior Scribe Bashir Khatara

Started by Runic, July 24, 2024, 01:33:51 PM

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[An empty space here, as if for a portrait.]
[A note here reads: ~ Yes, Narwen is composing the portrait, it will be placed here once she has completed her works. Do not rush her. Or I'll be very cross! ~ JdC ]
(Bashir Khatara)

Famed bon vivant and tailor. Notable for his roles as Senior Scribe, Vizier, Head of the Office of Current Affairs, and his prominent and proficient roles on Ephia's War Council as it's Diplomat, Head of Logistics, and personal correspondent to the Princess Shaimela.

Bashir Khatara awoke on our Disc after a humble beginning to his life. Born in the harbour town of Calimport, he was left orphaned and homeless at a very young age. During this time, he took to caring for the younger children of the street, always making sure their bellies were full and a smile on their faces, as he danced for their dinner. As a young man, he was apprenticed to a Florist, where he earned the coin to fund his education as a clerk, a trade which has brought him far in life.

In his serving as a clerk, he has served kinder souls, like the venerable Waterbaron of Yartar, and not so generous souls such as the ink-trader Saida. Each of these peoples he served with a smile, and the hope to see their days eased by his diligence. Then, he awoke here, in the Ash Wastes, in the midst of an Ashstorm.

He was almost immediately hired by then Legate Zaniah Almirah, to work as her secretary. Tragically, three days into his employ, she was murdered by assassins. He feared he might lose his position, but he was immediately taken on by her prelate Marcellus Saenus, who keeps him in close counsel until this day. Since then he has served as an able and stable influence in governance, aiding not only Legate Saenus, but each other Legate to sit one of the two seats. Each time, much like before, with diligence and a smile. This hard work has moved him from the simple rank of Scribe, to Senior Scribe, and even to the rank of Vizier, which he has since retired from. Even so, he continues to work with the utmost efficiency and rigor.

For a smile is what he strives. When asked his dreams and desires, he wanted only that he could bring a smile to peoples faces. A goal he seems to have achieved, given the many glowing remarks from his coterie of friends and supporters.

"He is the kindest, most generous and charitable soul I have met among all outlanders, and he is a dear friend who has made my life here much more pleasant."Acolyte Narwen Alendiel

"You will struggle to find a better companion than a man like Bashir."Martial-Arts Hero Donny Crumbs

"To call Bashir a mere advisor or scribe during my many terms as Legate would not do him justice. He is a friend. A positive force during some of the most trying times, and without him our city would not be the bastion of optimism it is today. A man who to this day expresses that inner warmth of his heart through his work, through his arts, and through his soul. There is nobody in this Well who would ever mean him ill, for nobody could ever truly be angry or mad with our Bashir."Legate Marcellus Saenus

"Bashir is one of my most regular customers!"Famed Restaurateur Mro Po

I asked Bashir about his dreams for Ephia's Well. This man, who sacrifices so much for so little in return, said he would want to make the Well of Ephia a beacon of hope. See the desert healed, like many who share the dream of the Dhaqwar, but also a place of smiles. Where trade is bountiful through prosperous negotiations with our neighbours, and where children will never go hungry. Where we grow crops of our own, and that everyone who contributes to our society be Voiced. To become a Sanctuary. To become, Hope.

Bashir did wish me to mention however, his very good friends now passed. So, this vellum is dedicated to the memories of Martin Ashbury, former Legate Akna Ymir, Richo, Alejandro, Anais, and Zain.

Full Disclosure Notice: Bashir was nominated by Soldier Carrot Grimes, and a total of 3,000 dinar was donated to the Scribes of the Sublime Garden for this entry by Bashir Khatara and Deputy Chief Scribe Aaisha al-Samar.