A Letter to Mr. Gloamingdaith

Started by Hierophant, July 26, 2024, 04:39:00 PM

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Dear Mr. Gloamingdaith,

I hope you are well and remain so for the time since our last discussion. My thanks again for your time and patience in professing your thoughts to my questions. To elaborate on them, they stem from an exploration and analysis of a text supposedly penned by the Magus Asterabadi, or quoted from his lips; four Legates were deemed his ideal Ephian democracy.

I had penned a brief study on this subject. In it, I go on to speak about the disputation between Voiced and Voiceless and how the Voice should be abolished and true Citizenry be established. Not simply out of necessity and common sense, but dignity as well. The very idea that a purse of dinar is what grants us our right to speak, to be recognized, is preposterous.

Given your own words, that you believe there must be more to it as well, that they spend a short amount of time at the very least to earn Citizenship, though you were permissible on the fact it is still an exchange of dinar in the end. I find it accomplishes scarce results towards your wishes that some Qadiran cutthroat cannot so simply become a citizen of Ephia.

Due diligence can resolve all of this. As a Scribe myself, our duties are great but there are many of us and some more than others very eager and willing to adopt more responsible and urgent clerical work. Applications for citizenship after six weeks of serving in an Ephian establishment would be a finer way about it?

Alike some trades' initiative, the Accorded have much to offer and teach newcomers of a great many things, your Sandstone College included. Newcomers wishing to become citizens of Ephia's Well should spend a deal of time in any of the institutions openly recruiting, and then fill in an application with the Scribes of the Sublime Garden, to be approved by any one Legate.

On that note, though, going back to the idea of four Legates; what if one seat represented the commons, and the other three were guaranteed seats for the Leagues of Purple, Gold and White? It was the brux of what I had been pondering in my notes. It will all be in my conclusive thesis, though I suspect will not be finished for at least two months.

Kind regards,
Escribe Barend Hoensbroeck
How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?


[received, a reply will be forthcoming...]