Soldier Korril - Janissary Garrison

Started by Octarine, July 13, 2024, 07:44:57 AM

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Soldier Korril,

I apologize for the rough day you had. My advice, while it may have sounded like it was just adding to the jeers, was all but. It was genuine and it was true. The ideas you put forth, as protections you think you ought to have, are worthy, and they are valid. But they are not laws.

I will help you with this, if you wish. Let's meet with Marcellus tomorrow, and see where things go.

I will need you, however, to promise to take a breath before you say anything. You get riled up, and then start to dig, and I am terrible at filling in holes while more earth is displaced.

If you do not wish my help, that's fine too. But it's there.

-Acolyte Kellyn,
Priory of the Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine


Acolyte Kellyn,

I welcome your help and I am sorry for my reactions. I had thin skin upon this day and little self control while being assaulted on all sides by jeers. I respect your order greatly and would not want to offend a member of it.

I would be there to meet with Marcellus tomorrow, at the time of your convenience.

-Soldier Korril Lionan