[Sent to the Legion Barracks]

Started by AsheandCinders, June 23, 2024, 10:56:23 AM

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Honoured Legion, and to whom within its ranks it may concern.

I wish to request an investigation into whether an act of capital theft has occurred, an investigation I must delegate as I wish to avoid any accusation of Bias due to my being the target of this act.

A few days prior, my office within the palm heights was claimed by the state by Legate Argyris. While I operated a state office from the property, the property itself was under my ownership along with all it contained. This claiming by the state has denied me access to all within the property, coming to a total value of 19,600 Dinars not including Books, Tablets, or items of Archeological interest.

While the Legate is within his Legal right to reclaim properties for the state, he has no inherent right to the items and furnishings within, and as his claiming of the property has prevented my access to them, they are in essence stolen from me by his actions.

While I am not overly harmed or inconvenienced by this loss, I am curious of its legal standing and frustrated by the loss of access to items of a sentimental nature.

I would appreciate being kept informed as to the findings of this investigation. Though as I stated previously I may provide no aid outside of witness statements to avoid accusations of Bias.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar


Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar,

I have received and read your missive with concern.  Upon initial review, I would concur that you are at the very least entitled to have your possessions returned.  Prior to my internal discussions pertaining to the merits of initiating a criminal investigation, I have a few questions. 

1. By chance, did you secure the formal contract for this estate?   If so, were you current with your payments for said property?
2. What was the reason afforded to you by Legate Argyris for the seizure/forfeiture of the property?
3. Did Legate Argyris obtain anything of value for the seizure/forfeiture. Are you aware if he ambitions to see this property provided to another individual?
4. What facts, circumstances, or perceived motives do you know/think were the cause of Legate Argyris to seizure/forfeiture of the property?

Hosan Abtahi, Soldier
Fourth Legion, Sultan's Janissaries


Soldier Abtahi

I am glad to see you engaging this matter in a comprehensive manner.

To answer your queries in order.

1) The Office, Located in the Palm Heights, was purchased through the usual Pyramid sources with all relevant documentation Available via the Office of Property Management. I was indeed current with my Tax payments on the Office.

2) I was provided with no reason for the Seizure, before, during, or after the event. I was made aware of it via the Announcement of the Herald, and Legate Argyris has declined to discuss it directly.

3) As far as I am aware, Legate Argyris gained nothing personally from the Seizure, and as of my most recent inspection nobody has yet claimed the property for themselves.

4) The most likely motive is, unfortunately, simple petty spite. The Legate and I have often had our disagreements, and this was the latest action he has taken in efforts to Irritate and Inconvinience me so far as his power shall allow.

I do not believe this to be part of some act of grand conspiricy, in short, merely the latest of a number of rather thuggish and crude efforts of one upmanship. The Political equivilent having a chess opponent in the form of a surprisingly competent ogre, who despite reasonable intellect cannot help the relative inelegance of his hands, nor a compulsion to occasionally try to chew on the pieces.

Live and Drink

Deputy Chief Scribe al-Samar.