Letter to Legate Gloamingdaith

Started by Scitus, June 14, 2024, 07:59:59 PM

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A letter is left at the office of the first, the signature of the palatial physician across it.

 Open the letter
"Dearest Legate, I am writing on a matter we spoke of sometime hence. The allocation of resources to warfronts to the end of wound care, battlefield triage, and the prevention of the spread of disease.

After having spoken to the Warmaster on the places of greatest need, the proposal there in is the assignment of these resources to the Eastern warfront supporting the blockade against the great weapon which threatens the well. While Ten Thousand is my estimate on the costs of providing the best quality of care, whatever resources allocated will be gratefully used.

Secondly the two warfronts to the south, both the fort reclaimed and the stronghold of the Dwarves, I would request further afield evaluations for their needs dire though I am sure both will be.

For these, and other considerations I shall personally be most receptive and appreciative.

Faithfully Yours, Palatial Physician Ashley Scherwin."