[Writ of Conscription Issued]

Started by Ziya, June 09, 2024, 04:49:18 AM

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Tabbah 8, IY 7788

QuoteBalstan Gloamingdaith

On this Wicked Tabbah the Eighth, the war came into our homes, its blood staining our sands, and its gruesome ruination wrought in our Ephia's Well. Complacency is nay a luxury we can continue to afford. Vigilence is our stalwart virtue.

Hearken then to the decree of the Legates: a Writ of Conscription has been ISSUED. The Voiced and the Voiceless alike shall take up arms and fight fer Ephia's Well, be the battle within our walls upon our streets or afield against legions dark and darkly led.

The Voiced of our home shall have THREE days to don the colors of an Accord Signatories, be it the Fourth Legion, the Astronomers, or the Cinquefoil Rose. Beneath their banners shall yer take the field, and together shall we do our duty to our home.

By writ of law, the Legates and the Prelates are exempt from the conscription; but all of yer have beheld that none of us have shied from taking the fields ourselves. Be it two days ere or this very day, we have nay exempted ourselves from doing battle.

The Voiceless may be conscripted by the Warmaster and the Commander starting hence. After the three days, any Voiced who have nay joined an Accord Signatories are likewise so subject to the Warmaster's and the Commander's decree of conscription.

At the end of the war, all who were so conscripted shall be entitled tae stay in the Accord they have joined, or leave with full honors. Yer shall be recognised, yer names immortalised amongst the annals of our victory.

Aye, I shan't lie to yer, Ephians. There will be deaths ahead. Iakmes and his ilk will come at us with fire and storm, with every horrible cunning they may muster; and yet, yer home calls fer yer, Ephia's Well calls fer yer, to march, to bleed, to win.

We will win this war, through dark and ruin until we come out on the other side. Live and drink, Ephians.