Letter to Sorazin Bey /DM

Started by I love cats, June 06, 2024, 03:04:51 AM

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I love cats

Dear Sorazin Bey

 I have recently reported to your men an unpaid debt even showing an example of a contract citing bizarre legal reasoning he claimed that since I lent the money I was not a victim of fraud and the offending party could not be guilty. Being a Magistrate and desiring a trial I reported to Dauod of not one but 2 merchants selling quite literal skulls on sticks. Dauod then claimed under the new laws the sale of remains that are not Legates Caliphs or Saints is legal to possess and sell. The actions of your officer lack any explanation and I am from a pretty lawless and savage place. This desecration of the dead law has 3 distinct categories of minor capital and serious and quite clearly other corpses fall under minor and serious charges. Dauod's assertion that skulls on sticks and wearing human skulls as legal is nonsense. His desire to undermine a double gold legateship is even more nonsense and will have consequences during allotments. 

However, I have spoken to other ashfolk and more learned fellows. Civilization does not thrive on partisan nonsense. I expect your men to do their jobs and to extract fines to put into our city's coffers. I expect to be called for trials for crimes that are committed. The most recent trial was a disgraceful one of some elf who voted for someone else. Dauod has also made similar absurdly partisan Bellows denouncing the authority of legates and accusations of legal theft. 

I will make something very clear if there is no correction to the behavior of Dauod I will stoop to his level. As a man of the Wroth you know very well actions come with consequences. If he wishes to make a joke of the Penal Code. I will behave similarly and simply find any party who desires to assault or rob Dauod not guilty of their crimes if they are ever brought to trial. Since he has told me that it is legal to defraud me. Civilization cannot flourish if Dauod behaves as he does unchecked and makes wild fraudulent politically loaded claims as he does. If his own superiors will not punish him I will simply exercise my authority as I can.  Your Warmaster is unfortunately too focused on the war to handle legal matters or discipline of his men. Considering he saw Dauod's legal reasoning behind ignoring my claims of theft I have little recourse than to report this to you.

-Magistrate Bruce Danebluff