Security Advisory delivered to both Legates

Started by StellarNebula, June 19, 2024, 06:38:54 AM

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A sealed envelope makes its way to each legates office.

It is unlabeled except for the words "Security Advisory"

Dopplegangers, Shapeshifters, Skinstealers, Agents of the Enemy! They could be walking among us even as you read this security advisory! For the safety and stability of our civilized society, read the following so that you can possess the knowledge to identify these insidious threats.


1. They look just like us! Yes, you cant just spot them with your naked eyes, sometimes even magic cannot outright detect them. Only through noticing the subtle differences in behavior between them and their replaced victims can you catch them in the act before they carry out their diabolical mission.

2. Memory Abnormalities and Partial Amnesia. Has an old acquaintance forgotten who you are? Do they have unexplained or poorly explained gaps in their memory? Are they lacking certain bits of common knowledge that anyone else ought to possess? Or even worse, the opposite, perhaps they know of certain things/events they couldn't possibly have knowledge of! It could be a sign that the person has been replaced by a doppleganger!

3. Unexplained Absences or Kidnapping. Have they been gone a long time with no explanation? Perhaps they were kidnapped some time ago, and somehow "managed to escape" and have now returned no worse for wear? Dopplegangers often need time to study and assimilate their victims before they are ready to replace them. Such absences are typical for doppleganger victims.

4. Changes in diet. While on the surface a doppleganger might be able to perfectly mimic the forms of humans, dwarves, elves, hins, and to a certain extent gnomes, underneath the surface they are twisted grotesque monsters! And their diet will often reflect such! Do you know someone who eats far more than their neighbours, who can tolerate eating strange things like raw or undercooked meat, and other dietary abnormalities? It could be the sign of a savage metabolism hidden from view.

5. Heat insensitivity. The demon rages over our heads, lashing out at us with its evil rays of infernal heat. Good folk will shield themselves from the sun as it rages above them, but the doppleganger is made of different stuff. Lizard and orc skinstealers alike are resistant to its cruel gaze. Does your friend seem to be perfectly fine standing unprotected under the terrible sun? Perhaps thats not your friend at all, but an agent of the enemy!

6. Sudden promotion to a Position of Power. While by itself this is nothing to worry about and is the sign of a well functioning society, this is often how the doppleganger infiltrates the higher echelons of power so that it can do the most damage. Pay attention if this coincides with any of the other well known doppleganger signs. It may be a sign of multiple doppleganger infiltrators working in tandem!

Armed with these Doppleganger Facts, you will be able to spot the infiltrator before they are able to do damage. If you see something, say something. Report any suspicious actors to your security officer. Don't wait until its too late!

Prepared by the Department of Aberrant Threat Analytics
