Letter: Torchbearers Hall

Started by DFL, May 11, 2024, 04:55:58 AM

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Greeting Torchbearers,

My name is Hosan Abtahi.  I am a Voiced Solider of the Fourth Legion, who has been stationed within Ephia's Well since I donned the green.  I have expressed my interest to my superiors, of exploring the frontiers of our beloved home.  It is my hopes in doing so, I will obtain useful and actionable intelligence, locate aimless forlorn refugees, and see to our home's security.  They have expressed support of such personal notion and directed me to your doorsteps.

I have never received any Ranger or Woodman training.  However, I am a stout Soldier that is interested in our shared mission with the Torchbearers.  I would humbly request an audience with an appropriate representative of Naelin's Torchbearers to see if there is a manner and means in which I can contribute.

In humble service,

Hosan Abtahi


The letter is opened, read, and repackaged in another envelope with a smaller letter within. It is addressed to Sephidra Niridhe and left at the doorstep of Torchbearer Hall.

Dear Sephidra,

This is paperwork. I detest paperwork. Please take care of it.

Also, I concede to the point made yesterday. But I still do not like her.
