Shania, Upper Floor Krak Room

Started by ItsAdventureTime, April 09, 2024, 05:59:12 PM

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Dear Shania of the Maestro's Union,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good business.

I've had the chance to review the Charter of the Maestro's Union of the Ephia's Well and before I can further consider whether or not I see myself having a role or membership within it, there are some inquiries I would first ask.

1) Section I.2 refers to a pricing structure. What is this pricing structure currently?
2) Referring to the same section, the picture structure takes into consideration "sundry". What are some examples of items that fall under this category? Does this include, for example, alchemical ingredients, brooches, sling bullets, arrows, phials of water?
3) Regarding Section II.2, how will the construction and maintenance of the Union Hall be funded?
4) Pertaining to Section IV, how is the salaries of members determined and managed? How is the dispensation of the salaries carried out?
5) Finally, who are the current members of the Maestro's Union?

I eagerly look forward to your response. Thank you for considering me for membership in the Maestro's Union.

Zaheera Nahaat