Letter from Balstan Gloamingdaith to Qari Alriyh dated 17 Hziran IY 7788

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17 Hziran IY 7788

Ephia's Well

Attention: Qari Alriyh

Dear Sirs,


1.    I refer to our conversation earlier today on your patronage of the Compendium to Ephia's Well (the "Compendium").

2.    I note your skepticism as to your patronage of the Compendium, and your historical experiences with scholars who had made promises only to fail in delivering them.

3.    To that end, I am pleased to inform you that your topic of interest, 'Other Faiths', has been drafted. Pursuant to your patronage, I enclose herein an advance copy of two pages of the Compendium relating to your indicated topic of interest (the "Draft Pages").

4.    In light of the foregoing, I'd be grateful if you could please confirm by 24 Hziran IY 7788 as to:

        (a)    your proposed amendments (if any) to the Draft Pages; and

        (b)    your making the remaining payment in the sum of Five Hundred (500) dinars in relation to your patronage of the Compendium.

5.    Please feel free to reach out to the Sandstone College if you have any query.

6.    In the meantime, all rights remain expressly reserved, including but not limited to the right to make any revisions to the Draft Pages as the College deems fit without further reference to you.

Live and drink,
Balstan Gloamingdaith
The Sandstone College




[The advance copy is sent back, with Several changes]

  • "Other Faiths" is crossed out and replaced with  "Cults of the Disc"
  • "The Way of the Divine Dome"  has extremely exaggerated quotes marked around 'Divine Dome', as is every reference of the dome otherwise
  • "Pra'Raj"  is prefixed by  "The Demon Above"

[A footnote, is also included:]

Dear Scholar, I invite you to also write a warning in your chapter upon the tangible importance of faith within our Citadel.    A reflection of the Stele of Law, and its impact that is measurable and terrible when faith is misplaced.

Examples of such are well documented in history.  When Mu'Tasim the Apostate, cast the worship of the Wheel from the well, there was drought and chaos. Then, it was named Bayt Al-Wutun. "The House of Idols".
  Terrible things occured in these years, known later as the age of Apostasy.  It was Marib I, bearing the white spear - that returned order to this place. That returned faith and the Wheel to the well -  And it was only then that the waters and peace returned. Drought ended, and by Divine Mandate of B'aara, Marib was named the first Caliph.

Further, we can look to Zohjir. When he desecrated the waters, faithful of the Demon...  The Wellspring receded and remained so, for centuries. Until Baz'eel returned, the white spear taken from the hands of an apostate (The "Queen" Ibtihal), and control of the Citadel fell to Osman VI, true heir to the white spear.  It was then that the waters sprang forth. For the true faithful of the Wheel had returned.

Each time since, in the last decade, when faith has wavered, disaster has struck.

As such, we cannot give credence or tolerance to these cults, nor allow their supposed "Clergy" to spread their insidious words and deceive our people.

I am happy to offer patronage to your work, but I cannot in good conscience do so if it seeks to legitimize the "Dome" or any other cult.

-Qari Alriyh,
Scholar of Baz'eel
Legate of the League of Gold



20 Hziran IY 7788

Ephia's Well

Attention: Qari Alriyh

Dear Sirs,


1.    We refer to:

        (a)    Our letter dated 17 Hziran IY 7788 ("our 17 Hziran Letter"); and

        (b)    Your undated letter received on 20 Hziran IY 7788 ("your 20 Hziran Letter").

2.  Purely for the ease of convenience, we adopt the abbreviations in our 17 Hziran Letter.

3.  We are grateful for the views and insights in your 20 Hziran Letter and are pleased to inform you that we have largely adopted your incisive suggestions, though we have refrained from placing quotation marks around all mentions of the Dome lest it be considered excessive. We trust that the warnings alluded in the contents should be sufficient to convey our position on the heathenistic faith.

4.  We have further taken in your invitation to include mentions of the calamity that may befall those who stray from the Wheel, though we have incorporated that primarily in our chapter on the Geography of the Great Ring (specifically, in mentions of Qa'im), instead of our chapter on the Faith and Religion.

5.  Please feel free to reach out to the Sandstone College if you have any query.

6.  In the meantime, all of our rights remain expressly reserved, including but not limited to the right to make any revisions to the Draft Pages as we deem fit without further reference to you.

Live and drink,
Balstan Gloamingdaith
The Sandstone College