[To Cosine Mevura, Apothar]

Started by Xenoboskion, March 09, 2024, 10:45:19 PM

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9 Hziran, IY 7788
Ephia's Well

Honoured Apothar,

I am touched, indeed moved, by the kindness of your intention to manufacture and give to me a staff, all the more since the gesture is as sudden as it is unexpected.

However, before I trouble one of the Acolytes to measure my exact height, as you have requested, I would venture a request of you of a different kind.

Instead of making me a staff, of which in sooth I have little need, I would ask that you show your kindness instead by rescinding the peculiar and inconvenient ban you have placed on Acolyte Narwen from visiting Eagle's Mount, which too long has stood in arbitrary effect. An innocent girl warrants not such immoderate and unnecessary measures.

Mother B'aara's mercy attend you, Apothar.

Sister Nebtu
Priory of the Sibylline Vine