On Violence

Started by Random_White_Guy, March 03, 2024, 05:52:33 PM

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On Violence
Gausim al-Marain

Envision if you would, an oasis pleasant and serene.  Heave a boulder into such. Watch the splash, the ripples, the consequence.

This. This is violence. Many believe it is a matter that resolves itself when satisfaction had. This word, satisfaction. It is used by the Wroth, by the outringers of the old City for their "Duello", and more. Violence though is not only a physical wounding. A wound of the Soul.

Disregarding other options, other considerations, other outcomes, for what? Sticks and Stones. Savagery. Magic to inflict your will - not by the spirit of that argument, not by the valid nature of the claim, not by divine mandate, not by due status, any power save your self.

A singular, errant action to disrupt all things, in the intimation that you are correct where others false. For while you may believe your actions just, you cannot tell how far the ripples, the splash, the consequences will reach.

Ballader Koji so proud, so dutiful, it is known he long aspired to see feud with Vico ended. Had he done such in the desert, in the Castle de Rose, it would have been still egregious.

But to do so in the Chamber of Rule. To drop his sword and declare "Feed me to the Lions, Feed me to the Condottiero, I care not". This callousness, this lack of foresight, this lack of wisdom, this belief of infallibility. That one called a "Cancer" excised. Damn the consequence.

...And in the process damn us all.

For hours did the Unspoken sit carved upon the Stele. For hours was Government sealed. Before Ambassador to Ka'esh, Director of Gohari Heavy Machinery, the Voiceless, the Voiced who came to our Assembly. This Settlement not viewed as some bastion of Refugee, of haven for the downtrodden, of pillar of aspiration for the Great Ash Desert. A place where The Unspoken's Name was howled by black magic, ripped from the throats of all who dwelled in Ephia's Well, on the fateful day that yesterday was. This settlement viewed as barbaric. Violent. Cruel. Apathetic. And welcoming of the Violence and chaos that is courted by the Unspoken once Spoken.

As a Woman's Corpse tossed into our heart of Rule with wanton disregard for propriety, care, or attending the dead. And so soon after as a Man's Corpse made fresh, lifesblood pooling on the stones. As violence of steel, spell, flung and splattered upon the Stele and walls and floors.

Though the first impact of the Boulder, the Deconsecration of the Stele, was settled.

How far were the ripples?
How large was the splash?
How could any know?
What the repercussions to come?

...While Astronomers smirked and jeered of their foes misfortunes, have we just empowered Diakos' rank, dooming their projects south to be overwhelmed as flesh and bone and more ripped from the innards of the Apothar and Nadiri? As newly emboldened of the Unspoken felt the ripples of the name and the red lights shot in to the sky, visible from so far?

...While the Legion struggled to maintain order, as so much chaos was focused upon the Chamber of Rule, and the Arena in the aftermath, what of those deserters in the Creep who howled and cheered and laughed at our failing? Of they who hunt, and prey upon the innocent.

...And while The Grandmaster's own Lyrist and others, upon the steps of the Pyramid, listened to her lament of the death of her dream. Only to be told "Yes, Grandmaster, and you killed it" as rose-cloaks tossed to the ground, have we just disenfranchised countless Refugee from the Accord?

...And while Recluta ask, "Condottiero, Must we still protect these swine?" The answer of "That depends on La Capitana and the Grandmaster" sending a blanching of pallor across the crowd, with renewed fears of new potential violence to come betwixt La Banda and Balladeer?

...These wounds so deep. So jarring. So fierce.
This. This the cost of Violence.
Time shall tell what shape the scars will take.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips