The Blasphemy of the Dome

Started by Random_White_Guy, February 20, 2024, 02:08:45 PM

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The Blasphemy of the Dome
Gausim al-Marain

I do not speak of this topic lightly. As Honored Water Bearer of the Great Temple of Baz'eel I have for many years been tutored in the Orthodoxy and had the privilege of seeing tutors of the Royal Family taught in kind. I have seen the heights of the Ecstatic Terrace long before it sat over Ephia, I have walked my home beneath the sacred sanctum of the Epicrasis, I have known Ring Runner from before the Fall, I have known the Wheel. And I have known the Dome.

The Beginning
My arrival to Ephia's Well brought with it staunch realization of what the Settlement has permitted. In reading the public board next to the law of the land - saw I plain written by the hand of a woman named Sofia a plea for research and books upon the Sages. My first thought was Scholar, my first thought was perhaps a Refugee not knowing better.

This changed when I saw her name upon the Voiced Registry, after I was gifted my tribute by the Ephian Government.

This changed when I saw her name upon the League of Purple registry.

This changed when I saw her compatriot, Ottavio, upon the League of Gold registry.

This changed when I saw her compatriot, Cassella, upon the League of White registry.

That during an Election for Candidate to Ephia's Well, it was told to me be Paladin of Warad. That Ricario Cassella was of the Dome, sworn of Sage, though not "A pious man". That there was hope he may be swayed to the Wheel.

It was confirmed that at the time, Voiced Akna, did not know.

It was confirmed that at the time, Legate Domnhall, said unto me "I hadn't even thought of that".

The Dome of Man. The roots of its blasphemy had spread far and wide.

I reported this matter to the Janissary Conrad Fellstar.

He bade I also report this to the Astronomers, To the Balladeers, to hear their thoughts.

And so I did.

The Investigation
In speaking with the Apothar Cosine, his words resonated plain. That this an affront to Izdu.

In speaking with the Balladeer Alain, his words resonated firm. That he had long confronted Sofia over her blasphemy, that she had rebuked him, that she had made many spurious claims. Moreso that he was prepared to bury his feud with Janissary Fellstar to see this matter addressed. That he was shocked that an Apothar would so care.

In the coming days we would speak, we would meet, the trio weighing their options. So to though did I begin to speak with others of the Settlement. To learn their thoughts, to hear their wisdom. From some cautioned care, some bade firmness, some bade mercy, some bade wroth.

It was confirmed that indeed, Recluta Ottavio was Clergy of the Dome. That Sofia was Clergy of the Dome. That both had taken place in the Leagues. That both were Voiced Citizens. So too it was confirmed that now Legate Cassella was a servitor of the Dome.  When I asked him plain within the Office of the Second Seat.

Those of the Accord were spoken with. Our options weighed. Some warned against martyrdom, Some warned against repercussion.

Ultimately was chosen a path of Mercy.

A warning given, a week to find rebaptism.

The Wroth and the Dome
Almost immediately the response was as anticipated. The White League speaking in loosest asterbadian principle that these actions unacceptable. Apothar Cosine Mevura and Clubman Jordan Clearcreek descending into a shouting match in the street. Her claims of the Dome coexisting alongside the Wheel highlighted further as the Apothar declared that her Small God was dead and she should seek the Wheel.

This seemed to send her more infuriated.

More and further did the White League take to rally. From some the notion that Blasphemy a minorest nuisance compared to the majesty of the Wheel. From others that the notion of Blasphemy not blasphemy at all, but an expression of an asterbadian freedom, of peoples, of cultures.

This Asterbadian sentiment would skew the ad-hoc "Convocation of the Wheel". It would be declared by a small portion of faithful, of a small portion of the wheel, that their decision would by "One Spoke, One Vote" declare whom would sit as Grand Mufti. A decision abdicated from Legates Domnhall and Cassella, to be allowing of asterbadian principle those of the Clergy to accept who would sit as Grand Mufti.

I opposed the notion of "Vote" deciding who would lead the Wheel, for in the orthodox teachings there is no asterbadian sentiment. My name would be raised by the Balladeer Aurelio of B'aara, knight in service, against my protest. We would be the only two options, and The Wroth would win out. Ariel of Agaslakku, Jerrod of Kula, Alain of the Balladeers, and more would rejoice.

And Radislav of Wroth would rise, empowered by the newly Wrothan Domnhall Guivarch.

His declarations and actions swift. As Sofia of the Dome attempted her readings of the Sage Santina during the Vagrancy Law conflict he would grow incensed. As Sofia of the Dome attempted her readings of the Sage Santina before the Holy Piglrim, he would grow beyond to Wroth. He would chase her with a strip of shoe leather.

This routine became commonplace for days, she would read, Jordan Clearcreek and others would attend her, Radislav and others would spite her.

In hopes of seeing peace restored and mercy delivered was Sofia sought in Compromise.

We spoke for hours upon the Pyramid, differing ideas, differing notions. Though the orthodox practices were not adhered in Ephia the Mother's mercy was known. And so it was extended. Her concerns lay not for herself but int he fate of the Laymen of the Dome of which she had taken to care for.

Though it was drastic, in time we would find a compromise.

It would be taken to the Legate Cassella.

He would refuse.

The Water Heist
Though this matter would never truly go away when it was deemed clear there would be no acceptance of B'aara's mercy by the Santinian, the newly raised Sergeant Fellstar was met with, alongside the others of the Sultan's Fourth Legion. Observation and Report would become the standard practice.

Furthermore as the White League sat Monochromatic it was deemed that the Magistrates selected, that the Legates selected, were skewed. Rumors abounded that Prelate Alejandro, that Magistrate Clearcreek, themselves had been to Il Modo in recent weeks, accompanying Religious Pilgrimage. This matter was heard, was one of concern, and then filed away.

That is until the fateful day that Legate Ricarrio Cassella was dragged from the Pyramid in shackles.

Until the day that the Water Heist was revealed, the Treason unspeakable.

That Jordan Clearcreek had come up with a notion, that the Legate had approved it, that others were party to it.

That in the height of the seat of the Pyramid, anointed by the Princesses as Legate, with Warad upon the Stele did conspiracy swirl.

A conspiracy brought to light as Akna of Kula and others took of action.

Inquisitor was summoned.

Trial was held.

Thrice was the Mercy of B'aara refused.

And rather than face true justice, did the coward take his own life.

The Election
What would come to pass could not be called providence. At most it could be called reaction.

The Monochromatic Pyramid had set many rankled, and it had seen The Accord Signatories to strife and more as the Lily Pyramid had weakened both public trust and public perception of governance. The White League's treasons manifold and the Prelate raised without election or mandate, The Gold League's selection of the firebrand Ariel Hysair, and myself.

The same sought during investigation of the Dome were brought together regarding the Election. That trust must be restored, that a Mandate new must be carved. That The Accord as an Institution must be reaffirmed, in showing of a return to governance among the Pyramid.

That free of the Monochromatic that matters could be restored. That the Legate Akna, that I, could find compromise and path forward. That Assembly could be held without disruption. That Mission could be assigned and carried out by the Accord.

These matters have proven true.

The Blasphemy of the Dome
However with the return of Governance comes the return of the Penal Code of Ephia's Well. In further discussion with the Astronomers, with the Sisters of the Priory, with the Janissaries, and with a growing presence of the Wheel within the College of the Balladeers it was deemed time to correct the errors of the past.

While there were reservations by some in the enactment the Chief Scribe confirmed the legitimacy of the action.

With mandate from the Accord, with the annointment by the Princess, with the Inquisitor of B'aara's judgement of the Traitor Cassella and the Thrice Blessing of B'aara refused - came utterance at the conclusion of trial. That he was refusing of B'aara's Mercy. That he was false. That he was Traitor.

And in such precedent set. The First Legate of the Dome would be demanded to the death by the Lions, and instead would take his own life.

And the errors of the past that allowed the Leagues to be compromised, would be mitigated.

And the errors of the past that allowed the Voiced Registry to be compromised, would be mitigated.

And the errors of the past that allowed the teachings of False practice, would be mitigated.

And the errors of the past that allowed the Permission of Asterbadian Practice in faith, would be mitigated.

And in this decision was made.

And in this the Sergeants of the Fourth Legion resolute.

And in this the Sisters of the Priory firm pious.

And in this the Astronomers of Q'tolip clinical.

The Accord and Legate in unison.

No more, shall the Dome, threaten this Holy City.

And at the Call to Prayer of the Temple of B'aara did men and women rejoice.

As John Gunn, as Gary Smith, as others take to rebaptism in B'aara's name.

As news came to this faithful gathering of the Policy that was to come.

As the Mother Al-Fayyid took to cheering.

As the Janissary took to rejoicing.

As the Announcement then made public to the City.

Article 18 was in effect.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips